Burnt Orange Hue - Some Experimental Photographs

in Photography Lovers10 hours ago


she stays in my memories
as a hue in burnt orange
a tint of color that my mind
tries to recreate
o the desire
painted in passion and lust
o the desire
always a strange color
my words are few
and the girl is gone
as soon as the sun sets behind
the clouds that shine
a strange burnt orange hue

An Ode to the Girl Who I Could Never Write

Girl | Girl I | Girl II | Girl III | Girl IV | Girl V | Girl VI | Girl VII | Girl VIII | Girl IX | Girl X | Girl XI | Girl XII | Girl XIII | Girl XIV | Girl XV | Girl XVI | Girl XVII | Girl XVIII | Girl XIX | Girl XX | Girl XXI | Girl XXII | Girl XXIII | Girl XXIV | Girl XXV | Girl XXVI | Girl XXVII | Girl XXVIII | Girl XXIX | Girl XXX | Girl XXXI | Girl XXXII | Girl XXXIII | Girl XXXIV | Girl XXXV | Girl XXXVI | Girl XXXVII | Girl XXXVIII | Girl XXXIX | Girl XL | Girl XLI | Girl XLII | Girl XLIII | Girl XLIV | Girl XLV | Girl XLVI | Girl XLVII | Girl XLVIII | Girl XLIV | Girl XLV | Girl XLVI | Girl XLVII | Girl XLVIII | Girl XLIV | Girl XLV | Girl XLVI | Girl XLVII | Girl XLVIII


The girl grabbed my hand, the first time touching me, and the world became a strange orange tint, burnt orange, or something along those lines. She grabbed me and pulled me outside, so that I might also dance under the sun, almost feeling like it was a dying sun.

She smiled, and she let her hair full to one side. I saw the dying sun in her eyes as the birds flew above our heads in the sky, hanging so close to our hands.

She grabbed at the sky, almost like she could pluck at it, like it was a curtain that she could pull aside, revealing the night sky with its sparkling stars. She tried to pluck the sky like it was a sheet, only to find that the ether and void staring back at her was nothing but her own reflection.

O but she was a momentary hue of burnt orange before she tried to get behind the curtain, behind the sheet, to hide from me again and again.

The girl really called me, telling me the sky was a perfect orange, and I could not help but take a couple of photographs of her, especially by grabbing the sky. It really felt as if we could grasp at it.

Enjoy the moment of utter experimentation.









We could reach out at the sky, we could grasp its orange texture. We could smell the crimson, the burnt orange, the flames that licked out skin. Our dreams were death and our waking mind could only think about what nightmares taunt us.

But the sky was so close to our touch, and we seemed to travel to another world, as everything was tinted with this strange burnt orange hue.


I hope that you enjoyed these strange musings and experimental photographs. Like most of these shoots, they are unplanned and spur of the moment. The sky presented itself as a perfect backdrop for the girl to be herself on.

I hope you are well and happy photographing!

All of the musings and writings are my own, albeit inspired by the almost nightmarish looking sky. The photographs are my own, taken with my Nikon D300 and 50mm Nikkor lens.


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!BBH for the orange exploration!