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RE: I better call back

in Photography Loverslast year

Your photography is always a wonderful treat to my eyes. You capture things so pleasantly and spectacularly. Thank you for sharing them with us.

It is crazy when you think about the past, and with our modern technology, it is such an interesting thing to open your harddrive and see what you did in the past. We are documenting everything in our lives, so to speak!

We are experiencing intense wildfires at the moment, destroying so much of our local fauna and flora, so the fire images, even though they are spectacular, almost made me hold my breath! It is such an interesting practice, and I think they still do it here with the vineyards as well from time to time.

Sorry for the long comment! I hope all is well and enjoy!


I am happy to receive long comments, they mean that someone actually cares for what I am doing here :)

Wildfires are terrifying indeed, I hope they stop soon enough. The practice of burning branches is common in Greece too. The Wood Chipper which is the best alternative, is a very expensive solution and in many cases almost impossible to reach the steep farmland. We prefer that solution but I also understand those who don't.

Thank you very much for your compliments!

 last year  

I do it here for many reasons similar to that. Driving the plants/dead matter away is costly, a wood chipper is also expensive as you said, and I can use the material in two ways: I use it either as kindling for cooking/heating up my pizza oven, or I burn the material to get ash and charcoal for the compost heap. Such valuable additions that we can have for free!

Yes, it is really bad and the wind only relights the fires they successfully put out. Such a shame, but fire is not always bad. Our local flora, the Fynbos (fine bush) needs fire to spread its seeds. So fire, in balance, is good.

I hope you are doing well.

Yes of course, fire is part of the ecosystem as everything else but as you said, in balance.

All is fine here!
