5 reasons to be happy today!

First of all Hive is pumping up like crazy and an optimistic wind is sweeping the blockchain! Of course we all know that whatever goes up can also go down (and most probably will) but that doesn't really matter. Now it is time to be happy and celebratory!


As I was returning home from my farm, a few hours ago, I stumbled upon this very common wild flower that had an amazing light on it. It was one of those times that you wish you had your camera with you and usually you don't :)

Only this time I did had my camera with me and that's the second reason why I am so happy today!





You see I was feeling a little bad because this week I haven't shared any new pictures and I really love these ones! And since I am on the new pictures mood, let me show some more.


This is were I get my drinking water from. It is a few meters away from my home and every day I am not only happy to go and fill my bottles but infinity grateful!
I have also repeatedly taken pictures of it and I think that yesterday got the best one, so far!


I am a little behind with my seeding this years but as long as they sprout, I am a happy man :)

And last but by no way least, the companion of a guileless creature. An endless source of happiness and joy!




Usually I am not so happy-go-lucky but it's not so bad to happen once in a while even in dark times (or especially in dark times).

I hope you had (or have or will have) a good day too :)

All the pictures and the words are mine.

Thank you for reading and if you want to know more about me you can check out my introduction post.

Commenting, upvoting and rebloging are highly appreciated!


It was one of those times that you wish you had your camera with you and usually you don't...

I had one of those moments a few days ago! 🙂 We were walking through a park and there were about fifty galahs and cockatoos huddled together in one tiny tree so it looked as though the tree's foliage was a mass of birds. It would've been a lovely shot!

Beautiful photos, as always!! 😊 I love the little seedling -- and it reminds me that I have some seeds to plant soon. Now is an optimal time to plant tomatoes in my region. 🍅

It sounds like a beautiful picture! You can still save it in your memories :)
We are about to put the tomatoes and the rest summer vegetables in the ground but you too? Isn't Australia vice versa?

Australia is a weird place! 🙃 We have a number of planting zones across the country, even within different states. For my zone, apparently it's best to plant tomato seeds in Autumn. 😀

I'm only brand new to this though so am just following instructions, haha! The only plant I've ever had survive before was a sweet basil... I'm hoping to do better this time.

Weird indeed and so interesting!
Good luck with your planting :)

Thank you! 😃 There are a few things I'm hoping to plant this year. May my thumb be green. 🌿😅

Wow that light was amazing. Love the other pictures too, the seed and of course your beautiful dog. Great post.

Thank you! Yes, it was a truly amazing light!

What a great looking day! The lighting on those flowers is just superb. Absolutely beautiful. And I want to visit just so I can drink from that spring! I'm sure it's got healing and immortality qualities to it. 😂

I don't know about immortality but 90 - 100 years old villagers is a common thing here :)

There are so many things to be happy for! But we are just so blind especially this period when everything seems black and white 😔
Great shots! Love the dog - he's so expressive! :)

Thank you Gabriela and the dog says thanks, too :)

beautiful flower and what a great day it is to be happy

Thank you @rockor for stopping by!