A noble idea


My throat was itching, from all the dust and dirt that I had inhaled, even when I was back home, unloading the memory card of my camera. In contradiction to natural ecosystems, men's creations tend to decay in the most obnoxious way, when left untended. And this building, once full of life and productivity, has now become the home of garbage, dust and decomposing, dead animals.

And a few signs, here and there, testimony of the activity that used to take place, a few decades ago. Come with me for a photo tour into the empty shell of an old textile industry, one of the many small ones that used to exist all over Greece and are now closed and abandoned.




The building has been stripped from all the machines and equipment, more than twenty years ago and ever since, it has been vandalised, intruded and looted, multiple times. Broken glasses, ball of yarns and trash are all over the floor, under layers of dust. It looks like it has been a shelter for homeless people as well as stray animals and whoever has entered during those years, has left a mark behind to be integrated with the remains of its former use.




As much as I felt sad for the decay of the place, I couldn't overlook the evident photographic opportunities that it was giving me. The first few minutes I hesitated to take the camera out of its bag. I wandered around a bit, catching the vibe of the setting, moving back and forth to grasp the reality of the present situation and only then I stared shouting and capturing the images, I had already seen.



I don't know about you but whenever I raise my camera, I feel that I am distancing from reality, putting the camera's frame between me and the world as a barrier. As if I am watching on a screen and not actually been there. So sometimes I postpone entering into the "photographer mode" when I want firstly to experience and then capture an event or a place or whatever situation I might find myself into.


The reason of this visit was to explore, with a few friends, the possibility of a new use for the building, as an exhibition space for artworks. The idea is not bad at all, the building itself has wonderful features and the atmosphere of the old industry serves brilliantly the concept of hosting modern art.

But, there are a lot of "buts" in the equation and as you all know, reality has a very brutal way of squashing noble ideas!


The camera that I used is a Canon EOS 850D with an EF-S 18-135mm lens attached. I edited the photographs in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic

All the pictures and the words are mine.

Thank you for reading and if you want to know more about me you can check out my introduction post.

Commenting, upvoting and rebloging are highly appreciated!


You got the vibe right... keep pushing. Don't let reality or the executioners of good and noble ideas stop you. 😉

I'll do my best :)

Will I be able to exhibit a work there? 😂

I won't say definitely no but don't count on it :)


not even a 4 mm x 4 mm work?

Haha, for something so small I think we'll manage it :)

Manually curated by the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

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Curated by scrooger

Thank you very much @qurator and @scrooger for your support, much appreciated!

Your photos, while beautiful, were very painful and show how one day this life that we prepare with taste will be forgotten and the taste we had for preparing it will no longer exist. With what taste did the owner of this house or workshop once buy those spinning wheels or with what taste was each of those books bought one day and now how they have been buried in dust and their storage place is nothing more than an abandoned place?

Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts with me @fatemehsohrabiii :)

Thank you 😊 thank you

I did not know you like to shoot abandon stuff.
There's a special community for this, you know?
Urban exploration
Me thinks it better fit and belong there.
Great captures!, accompanied with same tag #urbex.

It's not something that I like or dislike. If it happens to find myself in an abandoned place, I'll probably take a few shots. But it doesn't happen often :)

Thank you for letting me know!