Licence to shoot

in Photography Lovers6 months ago


People that don't know me tend to address to me in English. In shops, at the fruit market, on the street, even a neighbour in a block of flats that I go in and out for years, it doesn't really matter. A lot of times I respond in Greek but they continue to speak to me in English. Their mind just can't grasp the fact that I am Greek (which I am). I remember this happening since my childhood. I found this amusing back then and since I was speaking english from a very young age, I was responding as a foreigner, enjoying this unexpected game :)



Nowadays though, I have mixed feelings about this odd behaviour of my fellow countrymen. Sometimes it is funny but some others it is annoying. It makes me wonder if I have spend my whole life in the wrong country. I mean if so many people think that I am not one of them maybe I don't belong here after all.

But today it was a day that I thought that it is amusing to let them think that I am a tourist. So I wore my most "touristic" hat, I hang my camera on my shoulder and went straight in the historical centre of the town!




For sure being a tourist or just considered as one, has its advantages. It is as if you have a licence to shoot (with a camera of course) practically everything and no-one will ever question you about it. Plus that in places with more tourists than locals it is easier to blend in and move unnoticed.

And I just love moving unnoticed :)



The last picture is kind of a selfie, captured on the windows of a fancy hotel so that you can all admire my hat :)

And since it is Sunday, this is my contribution to #SublimeSunday inspired by @c0ff33a and #BeautifulSunday initiated by @ace108.

Have a great week ahead!

The camera that I used is a Canon EOS 6D mark II with an EF 24-105mm f4/L zoom lens attached. I edited the photographs in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic

All the pictures and the words are mine.

Thank you for reading and if you want to know more about me you can check out my introduction post.

Commenting, upvoting and rebloging are highly appreciated!


What a strange phenomenon. You must be thinking, “What is wrong with all of you? You’re my people!”

I can see how you might alternately find it intensely annoying and humorous.

A sense of “belonging” is I think a basic human instinct, and something that drives many of our decisions, from where we choose to live to who we choose as your friends and partners, what brands we wear, and so much more. And I think this need can even intensify with time as we move through life and seek meaning and reassurance of our importance and impact in the world.

In other words, I really related to your post!

Your comment is right on the point. Actually you wrote it much better than myself :)

Thank you for your time to read and respond to my thoughts!


I spent six months in Greece when I was in college, @fotostef. What a beautiful country. I sort of looked Greek enough that I could fit in pretty well... until people tried to converse with me. Ha ha.

Haha maybe you look more Greek than myself after all :)

It must be weird to be thought of as a foreigner in your own land, but if that gives you permission to shoot and take those spectacular photos (as usual) make the best of the awkward situation ;)

There is an old saying that can be translated into something like "no bad without a good" so I'll just follow that :)

Thank you!

That’s funny or perhaps not!!

Indeed :)

Thank you for stopping by!

I always try to be vigilant when I'm a real tourist or when I'm not but around shooting some pictures or video. Always hear horror stories about tourist being targeted to be robbed although here in Singapore, it's mostly still very safe.

Greece is pretty safe too, with the exception of a few neighbourhoods in the capital but I don't really worry when I am taking pictures.

🎉 Upvoted 🎉
👏 Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️ 👏
sagarkothari88 to upvote your post ❤️

❤️ @dimascastillo90 suggested

As long as they don't want to sell you things more expensive because you are “foreign”, all good hahaha. Nice hat!

Haha thanks!

They want but I don't buy :)


Hi, every time they see someone with a camera to take photos they mistake them for a tourist, nice photos my friend.👍👍👍

Yes, they often do!

Thank you for stopping by :)

😮🤭🤭🤭🤭 δεν είναι δυνατόν χαχαχα, δηλαδή και εγώ την πάτησα 🤫😬🤣🤣, θα σου εξομολογηθώ κάτι, όταν άρχισα στο Hive και πρωτοείδα ένα post δικό σου, που φυσικά κάπου ήσουν στην Ελλάδα, νόμισα ότι ήσουν ένας τουρίστας που είχε πάει για διακοπές στην Κρήτη 🤭🤭🤭, είπα, έτσι ξανθός και έχει πάρει τόσες φωτογραφίες, τουρίστας θα είναι χαχαχα, και έτσι συνέχισα να σε διαβάζω, θυμάμαι μια μέρα λέω στην αδερφή μου, κοίτα αυτές τις ωραίες φωτογραφίες που έβαλε ένας που τον λένε Στέφανος και μένει στην Κρήτη, και μου λέει η αδερφή μου, α ναι, αυτός βάζει ωραίες φωτογραφίες αλλά δεν είναι Έλληνας χαχαχα 🤔, μία μέρα, σε ένα post, κάτι έλεγες ότι οι παππούδες σου στην Κρήτη κτλ και λέω, βρε αυτός μου φαίνεται ότι αυτός πραγματικά είναι Έλληνας 🤔, χαχαχα 🤦🏻‍♀️. Και βέβαια τώρα δεν έχω καμία αμφιβολία ότι είσαι Έλληνας 🇬🇷 😂😂😂🤷🏻‍♀️.
Ωραίο καπελάκι αυτό, η μαμά μου έχει ένα παρόμοιο χεχεχε 😁😎.

Χαχα, τι πλάκα! Εντάξει, δεν έχει γιατρειά η περίπτωση μου :)

Άκου και το άλλο. Χθες το πρωί, στη βόλτα του σκύλου μου μιλάει κάποιος στα Αγγλικά, απαντάω κι εγώ στα Αγγλικά γιατί φαινόταν σαν ξένος και μόνο στο τέλος της κουβέντας που είπα στον σκύλο "πάμε" καταλάβαμε ότι είμαστε και οι δύο Έλληνες! Τέλειο; 😊

Χαχαχα, ναι, πολύ πλάκα.

😯😳🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 θα είχε και αυτός το ίδιο πρόβλημα, όλοι θα νομίζουν ότι είναι τουρίστας και θα είπε, μίας και με περνάνε για ξένο, θα κάνω λοιπόν και εγώ τον ξένο 😂😂😂😂🤷🏻‍♀️, μόνο που δεν νόμιζε ότι θα έβρισκε έναν δικό του 🤭🤭🤭, τέλειο 👌🏻.