A few months ago, a friend gifted us a small pot with a succulent. It's a Christmas cactus, she said, it will bloom at Christmas. I thanked her politely but I never believed that it will actually bloom at Christmas. I mean, plants can sense the weather, how hot or cold their environment is, how much hours of sunlight there is and act accordingly. But blooming on an exact date seemed bit of a stretch. Anyway we would keep it inside, how on earth could it even understand the season we were in?
We put it on a kitchen shelf and forgot about the blooming story. For me it was just a small cactus that I should remember to water once in a while. @traisto seemed to believe that it will bloom in December but I was quite sceptical about it. Nevertheless it didn't really matter.
In the middle of December I noticed a few red buds. Look at that, I thought, it will bloom in December after all! The days were passing by and the buds were there. 22,23,24 of December and the buds didn't open. It was getting interesting :)
I woke up on the morning of the 25th of December and went to the kitchen for the day's first glass of water. As I was emptying my glass, I turned my eyes towards the self that we had placed the pot on. And there it was. A beautiful red flower, right on time! The little bugger bloomed on Christmas day!
Just to prove me wrong, I am sure :)
Thank you for reading and if you want to know more about me you can check out my introduction post.
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I can't remember any of mine actually blooming on Christmas ever, but one bloomed on Christmas Eve and the other on Christmas Day this year. Pleasant surprise! I'm glad yours kept its date.
Yes, it was a very pleasant surprise indeed :)
Great macro photography! Good photos, high-quality. It's nice to look at.
Thank you, I am glad you liked them :)
Being wrong never looked so right! hahaha
Haha, thanks :)
Mine bloom in June 😁 They are native to South America and are cacti that live on trees in rainforests. But somehow they bloom in the middle of winter, no matter where they live
Yes, I read about them before I write the post. Their sense of time is amazing, even when they are indoors!
Very pretty !
There are also Thanksgiving Cactuses that look just like this, but bloom in November. I actually have one that is an Easter cactus that blooms in early spring. I can't tell the difference in the greenery on any of them, it all looks the same to me, but they most definitely will bloom during a specific time of year if you give them the water that they need.
Amazing how they understand time and they are lovely too :)