The olive oil road, part two

in Photography Lovers4 months ago


The third day of our mini trip started with a walk at the part of the old town that we had missed the previous day. The Venetian lighthouse was glowing under the wonderful sunshine and we were grateful to say goodbye to this lovely town under the best possible weather!

I have never actually lived in Chania but I have spent a fair amount of time there, both for work as well as for vacation. So I have a pretty good idea about the quality of life and the beauties that it has to offer and I am always glad to return, even for a little while :)





As visitors are less and less every day that passes this time of the year, walking around the town is much more agreeable than in the middle of the summer. Without looking empty or deserted, as other touristic towns off season usually do, it is quiet and charming, exactly as I like it!




After the walk, we took advantage of the things that the town has to offer, buying supplies that would be hard to get in the village and having brunch at a bakery and finally, we hit the road again.

The scenery that was waiting for us was very different, very rural and beautiful in a completely different way.




Early in the afternoon we were in the first of my family's villages and the house that would be our home for the next days. It is in the middle of the island, up in the mountains. The cooler air and the smell of the livestock that is common in this area, hit me the moment I got out of the car.

As well as the memories of the time I have spent in this house during my life.




It turned out that I had to go all the way to the mountains to see the first colours of fall in the middle of November!

Today, the fourth day of our journey, was spent with all those things that a house closed for months needs, checking equipment that needs small repairs and a neglected garden with fruits that nobody harvested!







And of course the olive trees. The reason that this trip is happening and the main activity of November!

If you missed my previous post where I explain how this trip started, you can find it here.


I took those pictures with a Redmi Note 12s mobile phone and did some minor editing on the phone itself.

All the pictures and the words are mine.

Thank you for reading and if you want to know more about me you can check out my introduction post.

Commenting, upvoting and rebloging are highly appreciated!


Going back to read the other two . Missed them! Can't wait to come to Greece. Attempt #2 is March!

We'll be here waiting :)

Curation Trail - Delegations are WelcomeThis post was curated by @dimascastillo90 from the Visual Shots Team | Be part of our

Having reached the destination at last, it only remains to wish you once again a good harvest. What was never lacking was beauty along the way, thank you for sharing it with us. Greetings to both of you.

Thank you very much for your wishes!

We have a saying in Greece that goes like

"from your mouth, to the god's ear".

It doesn't make much sense in English but I think you'll get the point :)


Very nice and Interesting Photos, thanks for posting! 🙂🤞💯

I am glad you liked them!

Thank you for stopping by :)

Oh, that festival of fruits getting lost! At my grandmother's house there are those in the last picture, if I'm not mistaken they are βανίλιες, right? How tasty they are!

Oh no. I probably took that last picture too close and misled you. They are olives! Big ones, we have a couple of trees of that variety to make them edible, not for olive oil but not so big as you thought :)

😆 Wow! They look huge and purple in color, I don't know if I've ever seen this variety of olives.

They are called Kalamon (ελιές Καλαμών) and they are huge indeed :)

There are so many fruits left unharvested! The place is quite peaceful with less people and business infrastructures.

Wow, I'm surprised you took all these photos from Redmi Note 12. Thought you're using a DSLR camera. Do you also edit in other apps like Adobe?

Well yes, they are taken with a Redmi Note 12s and edited on the phone without the use of any app.

I do have a dslr that I usually use and when I do, I edit the pictures with Adobe lightroom classic, on my pc. You can see the difference in most of my previous posts.

Thank you for stopping by @sydney27 :)

Να μην δεί η μαμά μου αυτά τα ρόδια χαμένα 😕 χαχαχα. Ωραίο πράγμα να μαζεύεις ελιές 😁.

Ευτυχώς προλάβαμε πολλά από τα ρόδια πριν χαλάσουν αν και χάσαμε και πολλά.

Ναι ωραίο είναι το λιομάζωμα, αν και κουραστικό!

No pain, no gain 🤭🤷🏻‍♀️