Ageratum corymbosum

Latin NameObservation dateLocation
Gymnoclytia occidua11 DEC 2024Central Aceh Regency,Aceh, Indonesia

Hello friends, wherever you are today. I'm back again to entertain you all with beautiful flower photos that I found this afternoon when I was relaxing with my friends.

As we know, the part of the flower that has several types of super beautiful colors, when I saw this flower I was interested and wanted to take a photo to share with all my friends in this community.

Of course I took and poured out some pictures to show you all the beauty of this flower.

This is the appearance of a beautiful flower picture that I found this afternoon.

Uploading IMG20241210120726.jpg #77

Okay friends, those are some pictures of flowers that I managed to take this afternoon to show to all of you who are always loyal with me, of course in this beloved community, I hope you like and are entertained by my post.

Maybe that's all I can convey to all of you.

see you in my next post.

Camera usedHandphone
Iso speedISO
Focal lengthMM
PhotographyAgeratum corymbosum