Hello hive.blog family,
I'm here again after a busy work day. Today I used my drone that I have not used for a long time. I took 2-3 photos from Pendik district of Istanbul, where I live. I love using drones in this region. Frankly, it's a roadside, but I love it. This roadside is not very close to the sea, but I took a photo from the sea by advancing my drone to the last distance. I hope you will like it. It was a really tiring day and I couldn't sleep at all last night. I'm a little sleepy right now but I wanted to have a few beers again and come here and write. Having a beer after work in the summer makes me happy. It also relaxes and calms. :)
Meanwhile, the value of hive started to rise. This is good news. In time, everything will be fine and the hive value will come to the top. I believe this and work for hive I really like to come here and write something. I think I will continue to write until I succeed on this platform. I will finally be a successful user and finally start earning. Every business requires effort and investment. You can see Hive.blog as a business. One day we will get what we wrote. This requires good thinking and hard work. My dream is to live and work in Thailand. I want to live in Phuket, Thailand. But maritime business is not very common on this island. Maybe I can find another job. Or I can settle in the capital city of Bangkok and work there. I can visit Phuket, the most beautiful place I've ever seen in my life, for a 1-hour flight on weekends. Meanwhile, the HBD rates coming to my account from weekly rewards started to decrease. I don't know why this is. I think it's something to do with depreciation. I wish you all a happy day.