Hello hive.blog friends,
I like to start every day with a hello and say hi to all of you. It's been a pleasure for me to come here and write. I also considered posting here as if it were a duty. I have a greed to win. Sometimes I think I should write to hive.blog when I go home while working at work. It has become a pleasure and a duty for me now. If you enjoy what you do in life, keep it up. After I came back to hive, I think I accomplished a lot in 3 months. I see a lot of winning members. I want to be one of them too. I work very hard for this. I know there is a long way ahead, but I need to invest in hive to accelerate this path. I'm waiting for next month and my salary. :) I will invest again. Currently, I see that some hive.blog members are making investments to make hive gain more value. But these investments are not short-term. Long-term. 1 hive is now 60 cents. Investors are perhaps trying to make the value of hive $2. There's a lot of people trying to make it happen. As I said before, I am a researcher. I read every hive.blog thread that catches my attention. Some members really taught me a lot. Thanks to them, I have now reached 57 reputation. I still use my earnings as an investment. I believe this. The stronger you are, the more you earn. So don't think short term. In 3 months, I have improved myself a lot on hive.blog and I am getting stronger day by day. This makes me enthusiastic and happy about hive. I invested $100 on hive for trial purposes. I bought 98 hive with this. Then I saw hive drop and I invested another 100 dollars and this time I bought 180 hive. In fact, now is the time to invest. You know that every virtual currency has fallen. But now is the time to rise. When the value of other cryptocurrencies rises, the value of hive will also rise. Moreover, the value of SBD almost never decreases. If you think smartly and turn it into hive, you will get it back as a profit. A person who thinks about the end cannot be successful. So keep writing articles. Keep investing in Hive. This will save you a lot in 2-3 months.
As always, I want to decorate my summer with a photograph. The photos I took with my drone at night are from Akyazı village in Sakarya province, Turkey.