In my last photography post I mentioned my intention to do some black and white experimentation and shooting with low light. I'd taken a couple shots in black and white and my favourite shot of that post was taken using low light for a nice contrast between light and shadow (photo two in that post).
I'm winging it here, I have no fucken clue what I'm really doing, or talking about, but that's what I attempted in the last shoot. This one I tried again, with different subjects.
I was going to do a different shoot this time but I didn't have the right subject so that'll have to wait. As a fill in I grabbed this jewellery and thought I'd see what I could get using less light figuring a little dark experimentation might turn up a reasonable result. All of these have been shot in colour and have not been edited to appear black and white.

I'm still undecided about where these shots sit on the scale of goodness to be honest. I think there's a couple good ones, good by my standards anyway, but I'm not quite sure I captured the essence of the whole dark thing and am not convinced my dark experimentation was very successful. Still, I got some photos and figured I might as well show them before I delete them and start again.
Feel free to leave any comments below, but try not to ask any technical questions about photography, I won't know how to answer. Basically I point, focus (manually) and press the shutter release with a healthy dose of hope. I respond to comments though, so if you're keen you know what to do.
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default; tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind - galenkp
[All original and proudly AI free.]
Every image in this post is my own.
Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark III was used to capture these images.
I think they worked out great, strong contrast always looks nice for jewellery shots 😄
Thanks Ry, it was a bit difficult because they're pretty details, and small, and my eyes aren't what they used to be. They're good enough for a knucklehead like me though.
These turned out fantastically - the second one is great how you captured the light glint in that one stone towards the top right. I've always like marcasites but never bought any jewellery with them in it, they do have quite a bit of charm.
The only technical question I have is this: How have you managed to keep your lightbox completely devoid of cat fur? 🐈
Thanks for saying so, I reckon they're about as good as I was ever going to get them, I'm ok with that. I saw that little bit of colour in that image you mentioned and tried to get it to show up some more but in true shit photographer style I fucked it up. Lol.
The jewellery is Thomas Sabo stuff which is pretty cool, not like I'm much of a jewellery wearer.
Good question. You know those clothing lint rollers, those sticky ones? That's how I keep the fabric Cleo-hair free. Lol.
Fucketh uppeth you did noteth.
I'll look up Sabo, never heard of him, but my taste in jewellery is similar to my taste in music. Vast and surprisingly weird 🤣
Ah ok, got it, I know the ones. I'll remember that if I have a light box one day because I know that even if I keep the thing hermetically sealed, cat fluff will end up in it.
You're just weird all-round.
Weird and Cat Fluffy. I resemble that remark. @emma-h
(x 7 1/2)
🤣 You gotta say it quietly so Sammy doesn't hear you
I'm still confused with the 7,5 but I'm a bit afraid to ask lol
.5 is this little guy. He is only half a cat. (Kitten)
You know you wanna adopt em huh..?
No questions from me. I think you did okay. I am not sure if or how I would take B/W with my camera. I might have to do what you did and just edit the photos later. I am dorking around with mine as well and trying to figure things out. I think I figured out the focus issue. We will see in my next outing,
Thanks man, I'm glad you approve. Like you, I'm just out there experimenting and enjoying the process; they enjoyment is what it's really all about.
There is no editing here, they were all taken in colour and came out as you see.
oh, there goes my mush brain again. I misread. I though it said you edited them to look black and white. Apologies.
Wow, you really did capture the shadows well then. Amazing! I am just trying to get the damn shutter to work when I want it to.😀
Lol, it's ok I figured. I understand your issues and accept them, no apology required. I reiterate so that others don't read what you wrote and latch onto the idea.
I have a lightbox, a super-cheap one my girl-human got for me. It's been fun to see how it works. I may do a post about it someday if I'm scratching around for something to write about, which never happens. Lol.
Keep plugging away at that camera, you're doing the same thing I did, experimenting.
I was only saying the other night, whilst looking through some images from one of my trips to Europe, goddamn it I was terrible at taking photos.
There's poor composition, horizons on an angle/slant, thumbs in the images and just about every other heinous photographic error one could conceive...but
I learnedI am learning. You'll get there, and will get better and better each time.It is just fun playing around again. I think it is a lot more fun that a phone camera.
Yep, and fun is good enough. I also enjoy thinking up things to shoot wheyhwr at home or when I'm out and about. Just decided a little while ago to shoot my hand grenade. We'll see how it comes out.
Wowww, your experimentation turned out great!
I love swords... maybe in another life I was a warrior in the Middle Ages! That sword is amazing! Even if it is a jewel.
Then pictures 6 and 8 brought back memories, especially picture 8 of a family ring that my mother gave me when I turned 15, I still keep it as something very special.
You are a genius, you say you try things and you do wonders! Admirable. Thank you so much for this!
I love every piece shown but I do prefer the second, third, and fourth ones the most. They capture my heart in an unexplainable way. Hehe and don't bother about me asking anything about photography as is much about it.
Oh thanks, I appreciate your comment and also letting me know which you like. I'm reasonably happy with how most of them turned out and yep, I like the same ones you mentioned.
You are welcome😁😁. That's a good thing then.
I think you did brilliantly to capture these images from your subject! Well done.
Thanks riverflows...I know they're not terrible, but with my limited skills and the high standards I hold for myself I guess I look at them and think, nah, could have done better. Alas, better isn't going to happen until I improve my skills so this is what's on offer today. I appreciate your comment though, it makes me happy.
I love black and photographs with black backgrounds always attract me very much. I am impressed. I love to take such kinds of shots but I fail to take such kinds of photographs most of the time.
It gives a more dramatic feel I think, and can isolate the subject drawing more focus to it rather than the pretty colours or whatever may be int he background. You say you like to take such shots, what camera do you use? (Or smart phone).
I have a smartphone only and I try to capture using it. I have very little knowledge about the camera.
That's good enough I think. Ninety percent of the photos on my posts are taken with my smart phone.
L👀ks good to me.
This is what happens when I do the light vs. dark experiment.
Just pullin' yer Lego.
see what I did there? Like Smoko but with your leg.
Lol, yeah I see what you did. You're clever.
brother I love that texture that your photos have and those elegant tones, I'm curious as to how you achieve it.
Thanks for your comment. I'm not sure how I achieved it to be honest. I don't use many settings. I set the camera up, use the manual setting so I have to play around with shutter speed and aperture and then start shooting. I'm not a photographer, just someone who likes to take some shots.
I wish I could tell you more but I don't really do anything else. The lens probably helps though.
But they are perfectly shot I love how you captured
Those shot really looks perfect to me
It doesn't even show that you don't make use of flashlight
Oh thanks, I appreciate you taking the time to comment, that was really nice of you.
I think your third shot had the most contrast, but other than the jewelry with the green gems, you captured a nice monochrome set of shots! You can try out playing with a lower f-stop and a faster shutter speed....or a higher f-stop and slower shutter speed to capture some low light details!

I'll give it a go. I photographed another item yesterday, wrote the post today...I'll post it probably Wednesday. Also low light but in colour.
I'll try those settings with something tomorrow though. Not sure what but I'll think of something.
I'm sure you will come up with something interesting! Looking forward to checking them out.