It's been a while since I've attempted any photography due mainly to the lack of time and partially due to a lack of motivation to do any. Doing photography shoots is a hit and miss thing due to my lack of skills so I have to be in the right mood as I never know whether I'll need to deal with abject failure or a result I can be happy with.

A few days ago I created some time in my day and decided to see what images I could take using an every-day item, a pair of my reading glasses. I had a lot of plans, all of them grand visions of amazing photos showing shadow and light...but all I got was these photos and they're going to have to do I guess.
All of the images were taken inside of my light box and I also used a light mat thingy, (no idea what it's actually called), to light from below.

I'm pretty happy with how these turned out although I suppose a better photographer would have done things differently; I'm not one of those better photographers though so am happy to accept average results when it comes to my photos. If you'd like to pick out your favourite image, tell me how shit these photos are or make any general comments you know how to do that below, I'll treat them all individually and commensurate to the comment itself.
Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp
[Original and AI free]
Every image in this post is my own.
Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark III was used to capture these images.
All the creatures in this house are literally scrapped. But I can tell you that I really like the sixth one. I think I counted right, but I may have gotten it wrong as my vision is blurring ... It's getting darker 😴😴😴😴
Haha, your vision is blurring...I can lend you these reading glasses if you like...at a small cost...Let's say...umm...you cook for me and the glasses are yours...while you're cooking or who know what I'll get! 😀
Thanks for commenting, I like that one too, that image.
😜 some concrete... and a few drunk potatoes. I sure do.
I've missed the photo sessions so much! I think they are great! In this case my favourites are 2 and 7. The second one for the close up of the details and the seventh one for the reflection on the lens plus the lights that are generated in the frame, it's a very good picture.
Besides the fact that they are common elements of use makes one notice the details that surely in the coidian life are not looked at.
I don't wear glasses but they are beautiful!
Good choices, I like those ones too. It was fun working on these and trying to get the light right.
And you did it, the important thing is to have fun and enjoy the process!
Hi Galen, I think that taking photos is not that simple, I say this from my own experience. I use it to laugh a bit at myself. Talking about the ones you uploaded today, I don't think the result is bad, I actually quite like the last picture, maybe because it's the most classic one. This choice also says something about me, I guess. I don't think there is objectivity in art, there is the creation and the eyes that look at it. A hug
I like that last one too, the fact the glasses are reflected in the light may is what appeals to me.
Thanks for your comment and favourable remarks; I do this for fun and fun is what I have so that's the win for me. I never pitch myself as a photographer and never will, but a seeker of fun pursuits, yep, that's what I am.
I hope you're well. I was driving today, north of home by several hundred kilometres to visit and help a friend in a small country town. I was just thinking of writing a post as your message came in. I'll do it later I guess.
Take care.
Hi Galen, I hope the trip goes as you hope and I also hope your friend is well. I don't know if you are talking about the friend who was very sick. I hope everything goes very well. Best regards
Hey mate, nah this is a different chap altogether. Things have been going well, I'm tired tonight, but in a good way. We'll be hanging around telling lies about the good old days tonight and making the girls laugh I'm sure. Me and my mate are doing a BBQ...(he's doing it, I'm watching and adding wise BBQ suggestions) and the girls get to sit around and do nothing. We have a campfire burning and it'll be a cold night...perfect for this sort of evening I think.
Have a nice day.
I wouldn't consider these pictures as an average result, I personally think they look very professional, they could be magazine pictures without any problem, I loved them!
Thanks mate, I had some fun doing the shots and that's what counts right? I appreciate your comments! ✅
Your photos turned out to be great. I personally think that in order to have great shots, the photographer, device, and object should collectively match. For example, i notice some cameras are good for shoots on a broad daylight while some are good fot indoors. So these three, if matched with one another, would create a great shot. I personally liked the 5th and 6th photos. I think it looks classy.
Thanks for your comment, I'm glad you like them and I think you're right about the cameras, certain ones are better for some things and not for others, I guess that's why there's so many different types.
I find the different colors reflected in the lens of the glasses interesting. I believe you were only using white light right? Was it the refraction creating the different colors? It was a bit like a light show haha.
That's right, the light ring in the top is all white lights so any colour comes from refraction in the lens of the plastic frame itself. I was hoping to get more colour but it wasn't to be however the little there is seems to add some interest at least.
I still don’t know anything about photos , but in my opinion, you achieved a good result, although reading glasses are not an object full of details ,you achieved good results playing with the lighting ,I liked them a lot, Mate!
It's the lighting I was hoping to capture well, I mean reading glasses aren't all that interesting...unless one needs them to read. Lol.
Thanks for taking look, I had a good time with these shots and playing with the light and reflections.
I really liked the third image from the top with the light ring in both lenses, I don't know why I find that so cute XD
youngest says "you find everything cute"
I like that one too, I guess it's the light I was trying to capture, to bring some I terest to it...not as easy as I would have liked, but enjoyable.
Those look like they turned out quite well. This post actually got me thinking that I don't remember my dad ever using a light box, which seems odd, because I would have to imagine he probably had one. I will have to ask him next time I see him.
I guess it depends on what sort of photography he did but I think most photographers would have one. Mine is a cheap fold up one bought off the internet a couple years ago to see what it was all about. I'll have to upgrade someday, but have it in mind to make my own based on the one I have, only upsize it by 50 percent.
I think that would be cool to be able to make your own. Stuff like that makes it more special even if it ends up costing a little more than what you could buy it for. I made some light up Christmas trees for my inlaws this year and though they probably cost more than premade ones, it was nice to give them something hand made.
The one I have is a fold up one so it gives me a template. I'll work off that but upsize it a little and getting the LED lights in the top shouldn't be too difficult, there's loads of that sort of thing on the interwebs. The LED's I have in my current one can change colour tone with four settings but I might see about adding something different also, some colours and maybe a light from a different angle so I can cast shadows into the lightbox. It's a work in progress.
You're right too, there's a satisfaction derived from making something oneself.
It's pretty amazing what they can do with LED's these days. You can get them in pretty much every shape and color for whatever you need them for. Those strips they have just blow me away.
They look very classy!
Cheers, they came out ok considering my limited skills and equipment I think. 🫣
I don't think you have limited skills at all!!
I'll take the compliment with thanks! 🙂
I will say that if it was someone with zero photography skills then it might be some average photography but you did it in an amazing way, mate.
Do you use only reading glasses or have any permanent ones?
Thanks, I appreciate the favourable comment. As I said in the post, these are reading glasses.
Well, all I can say by now is that those glasses looks like the type of glasses that someone like you would use. And by the way, I guess the photo I like the most of the whole bundle, is the penultimate.
LoL, you indeed have a great intuition.