I know you're a nature lover and it's cool, I think people that like/love nature and second time in it are happier.
The garden today was not as good as I had hoped it would be...the one from a couple weeks ago (in this post) was way better. I'll see what photos I have and will do a post at some stage though.
I'm heading to a Place called, Port Elliot, on the Fleurieu Peninsula this coming Sunday, for another open garden; it's a bit of a drive but it's a nice spot, a small coastal town, so if the garden is shit I'll still find something to do, a walk or some such thing, and a picnic for lunch. There's a couple more coming up too.
How beautiful, I already want to see the coastal town, I love the boats, the sea, the sand, the silence and the sound of the waves.
A few days ago I went to a beach far away .... I took some great pictures of the foam, the small waves, the sand, how much beauty there is in nature.
And to be sorry that some people don't see it.... they miss so much!
If you go to a coastal town, I'll order you pictures of the water! 🤣
If I get some photos I'll do a post and if not, then not.
I'll wait for them... and if not, that's fine.
Good night, see you tomorrow! Have a nice Monday!