Thanks Denise, it wasn't a straightforward shoot and I wasn't all that prepared to be honest, just wanted to give it a try to see how it turned out. I learned some things and will give it another try sometime to see if I can make the shots come out better.
Thanks for commenting though, I appreciate it.
This can be fun, in its own way. I enjoy the entire process most times. :)
Hope you are feeling well and all is well with you.
It's the process I enjoy for sure, the end result is nice too, but going through the steps, thinking creatively and bringing it all together is a reward too. I don't have all the equipment I need to make it up using what I have around the place, some works and some does not, but the whole process of it feels creative and is enjoyable. If I get a few snaps that are ok, then great. If not, I'll try again. It's sort of how I've lived my life I suppose.
Only you make me write stupid stuff like this!
Well, considering you asked if I'm well I'll tell you I'm as well as one can be without being too unwell. My wellness is...well, it's well and whilst I could be weller, I'm happy with my wellness as it stands currently, but also work towards being more well. When will that happen? Well, I'm not sure, but being more well will be...well, I guess it'll do me well to be more well.
Well, I should go. I hope you're well and that all is well with you.
P.s. That's not stupid stuff, it's just human and shows personality. Me likey.
Haha! Well, of course, that is what I get for asking. You wanna work on that? I would appreciate it.
Keep being who you are, no need to change a thing.