Absolutely phenomenal work and growing cannabis really is extremely exciting not only are you getting therapy yourself from the medicine that you produce but also the hope and care that you're putting into another being.
Biggest advice I could ever give you would be to do a lot of research and start here because plants do tell you what is going wrong with them.
Just my preliminary Google search because I was looking for two specific photographs actually yielded me way more information.
yes that's right plants absolutely talk to you and tell you what is going on if you can read these signs. You can be a phenomenal grower.
A lot of people get stressed out because they don't have easy access to this information and more.
if you want advice just hit me up you've got my Discord.
as well you could always hit up my friend as well as phenomenal grower @cowboyblazerfan
Personally out of anyone on the blockchain I would trust his opinion.
There really is a lot of Hope when you are responsible for the production of your own medicine and get to see the fruits of your labors.
My go-to resource manual would be at rosenthal's oaksterdam edition of the cannabis grow Bible.
Absolutely gorgeous and congratulations. Hopefully you have a little humidity dome to protect that little girl.
And if you ever get into the Portland Oregon area I have a ton of seeds from listed strains. I'd be happy to throw you a few.
Thanks man. I've got a lot of different resources and some friends here that have been growing as well. I am hoping to make it to Oregon this spring or summer, so hopefully I can make it up to Portland area too.
Ahh thanks man. I’m just a guy who grows a couple plants. Happy growing