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RE: Low Key - Part Two

Thank you so much dear @thisismylife, I'm really not one of those people who see photography as just snapping and clicking. I always imagine what I want to take a picture of, I look for the frame and a better angle for taking a picture, someone once wrote about me that I have a "kindergarten of ideas" in my head. But that's me and that's my love for photography. Thank you very much once again ❤️


Really cool, your pictures are inspiring! I'm just in the early days of trying things with photography and yet have to learn all the settings but so far I love having a camera and the option to capture things with more detail than the phone.

I often forget the monochrome option, should use it more often because I love those!


Good for you. If I can help in any way, I'm here.

Thank you for that, I appreciate it !LADY

Thank you for lady ❤️