
in Photography Lovers20 days ago

Good morning and good Monday dear Friends and Photography Lovers🙌📸
Another post in a continuous series is coming, one post every day from June 13, 2024. So there are still a little more than three months until the execution of the planned plan of daily posts. I hope that I will succeed in that, and then after that, take it easy, slowly and not every day😉😀

So, let's go see beautiful Viki and georgeus Alfa ❤️❤️

The photos were taken in June 2021 with an Olympus E-M10 Mark III and subsequently minimally edited in Photoshop. Alfa is Vika's sister Anita's beautiful dog. Anita wanted me to take a photo of her pet in the water, running and jumping. However, Vika stepped in with her ideas, so that's how these photos go today, I'll show you Alfa at her game in a few days.

                                  Two beauties in the river

Viki had the idea of ​​wearing a bit of military clothing, so I fulfilled that wish.

                                         Soldier's Law

After filming on the river, on our way back we came across a field with hay bales and of course, the idea immediately came to mind for Viki to change into casual clothes and the photo session could begin.

                                         Beauties in the field

We've reached the end, that's all for today, see you tomorrow

👋👋 @goga22


alfa best pose

Yes, she is beautiful and ready for pose 💙


The first photo is 🔥fire

Thank you so much dear @russia-btc

Very cool photo, ❤️

Thank you so much dear

You're welcome, darling❤️



I loved these photos!