Wonderful autumn of 2018

in Photography Lovers6 months ago

Good Day dear people, dear Photography Lovers🙌📸

Autumn is coming, a season that is very popular for us photography lovers because it is so rich with its orange-red colors. Since I don't have any new autumn photos, today's post will show you autumn through my lens from long ago in 2018.

The photos were taken in my city, in the park near the Church of the Holy Cross and in a place where autumn comes to its full expression

Of course, there are also two photos of our divine Old Bridge, which looks especially good in that autumn atmosphere

I am especially inspired by the benches in the park in that exceptional autumn 🧡🧡 atmosphere

All photos 📸 were taken with Olympus E-M10 Mark III, and subsequently processed in Photoshop, but really only necessary

This is all for today dear friends, see you Tomorrow🙌🙌
Your @goga22


Awesome photography 😍😌

Thank you so much dear @yogeshbhatt ❤️

Super foty... Ajjjj aparaty w dłoniach a oczy szeroko otwarte 👋👋👋

Thank you so much dear @kornolio ❤️

Beautiful shots 😍

Thank you so much dear @minelwanders20 ❤️

Your welcome. 🤗


Hello sis, how are you today?

Your portrait always amazes me how beautiful it is.

Hello @reachdreams, I am fine thank you and thank you so much on this comment ❤️

You're welcome sis, I am happy to interact with you, you are a friendly person😊


Me gustaron mucho las primeras con el color cálido y otoñal💚

Thank you so much dear @miranda4 ❤️