Faint Northern Lights in Iceland

Right now it's pretty much a solar day, here in Estonia it won't get dark at the night. 1 AM is the darkest it gets which is still quite bright. In Iceland however it won't get dark at all this time of year, my first trip there was in mid-summer and the sun only sets for a very short amount of time.
Bright nights mean that no northern lights can be seen but I have some shots from my last trip to Iceland when I was able to see some action at some night. This is not the best northern lights night I saw there, I have already posted about the best one but I haven't posted these shots taken on another night.

I just did some test shots regularly into the sky to see if something is there, there was. The night had a horrible wind so it was really hard to get clear long exposure pictures.




It was not something crazy but still cool!
