Most Legendary Headphones of them ALL - HD25
My Sennheiser HD25 Head Phones have been with me since the mid-90s. Back in the days when I was a DJ for about 10 years, this was my most important tool. Naturally, I have always wanted to feature them in light painting. Last weekend Steff was modeling for me and we featured her love for music and of course the most legendary of all headphones in the right light.
"The one and only HD 25."
Meine Sennheiser HD25 Kopfhörer begleiten mich seit Mitte der 90er Jahre. Damals, als ich etwa 10 Jahre als DJ arbeitete, waren sie immer dabei. Natürlich wollte ich sie schon immer in der Lichtmalerei einsetzen. Letztes Wochenende stand Steff für mich Modell und wir zeigten ihre Liebe zur Musik und natürlich den legendärsten aller Kopfhörer – den einzig wahren HD 25.
Lighting test and simple portraits
Just testing the Flash. After that, I can see what Light Painting effects I want to add.
Schneller Test mit dem Blitz. Danach kommen dann die Light Painting Effekte dazu.
Wave after Wave
Ok, now we start to add up two effects during the exposure. First I used the flash to freeze her with the Headphones then using a small flashlight I ran behind her to get the Waveforms symbolizing the music she was listening to.
Ok, dann gibts mal gleich zwei Effekte während der Belichtung. Zuerst habe ich den Blitz verwendet, um sie mit den Kopfhörern einzufrieren, dann bin ich mit einer kleinen Taschenlampe hinter Ihr hergelaufen, um die Wellenformen zu "painten".
Little Color Please!
Same thing but testing colors.
Put that record on!
After the waveforms, I wanted to add one more feature. As a DJ in the 90's you had to play sometimes with the Vynil records. Here I used a plexi rod with two colors to spin it behind her after the flash and the waveform Light Painting.
All of this of course during a single exposure. Not tricks here just a single photo. No AI pure me.
Nach den Wellenformen wollte ich noch eine weitere Funktion hinzufügen. Als DJ in den 90ern musste man manchmal mit den Vinylplatten spielen. Hier habe ich einen Plexiglasstab mit zwei Farben verwendet, um ihn nach dem Blitz und dem Wellenform-Lightpainting hinter ihr zu drehen.
Das alles natürlich während einer einzigen Belichtung.
When it comes to music or any sort of art you are dealing with humans and their individual taste. With that in mind, we wanted to test different colors. What is your color combo?
Wenn es um Musik oder Kunst geht, hat man es mit Menschen und ihrem individuellen Geschmack zu tun. Drum wollten wir verschiedene Farben testen. Wie sieht eure Lieblings-Farbkombination aus?
Her Fav
Her favorite of the night was this one. And I must admit the green was much better than expected and was my favorite "picture disc" as a Light Painting.
Ihr Favorit des Abends war dieses. Und ich muss zugeben, das Grün war viel besser als erwartet und war als Lichtgemälde meine Lieblings-„Picture-Disc“.
I hope you found the story interesting and these images inspirational. If you have more questions please do not hesitate. I am happy to share my knowledge.
If you think this is Spam, why did you read this far, and why the fuck bother you? Move on from your self-righteous mind state and bury yourself. Don't bother about what others may find interesting. Just stay in your bubble and ...
Cheer Up, Guys!

Gunnar Heilmann Photography
If you are interested in more of my art please also see:
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Since I am one of the co-founders of the LightPainters project, I also help and support the Light Painting community as a curator - not only on the Hive.
We are Light Painters

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All the Hive Power will help to upvote the artist's contribution as part of the LightPainters community.
I am super happy that more and more find their way here into the hive.If you feel like light painting could be interesting for you, feel free to check out this crazy bunch at LightPainters on Hive: @lichtkunstfoto, @stepko, @candelart, @ryuslightworks, @marlasinger666, @lightandlense, @fastchrisuk @fadetoblack, @maxpateau, @lightstabeu, @yo-hoho, @oddballgraphics, @lacelight, @martbarras & @rod.evans.visual @dawnoner
Thank you so much!
Sennheiser makes amazing earphones.
I live half my life in HD 660S's.
Though, with your model and your photos, yours look better. :D
I knew about the quality of Sennheiser microphones, I used to work in production and thats the only brand we used to record videos and interviews, didn't know they also make earphones!
Btw Cornerstone, is there a way to get in touch with you on Discord or Telegram for Hive governance related matters?
HD25 was the most common DJ set. Have a look around in clubs and you likely see those. Also hearing and acoustic consultants often use those as they seem to be benchmark.
Was haste ihr den auf die Ohren gehauen? Liebesschnulzen? Na egal, coole Idee und coole Ergebnisse.
Daaankeschön. Es gab Schnischnaschnappi .... nicht
I have a yeti blue microphone and im pretty happy with it, I've been looking for earphones so this might be a good option, thanks for sharing!
Ppl use those because you can replace and repair all parts. Some have funny colored cables etc.
I could still repair them after almost 30 years