Meeting a handful of Light Painters friends in the US for collaboration and creative ideas.
The beginning of the Meteor Jam 2022. One of my "High Lights" of 2022 was my visit to the US in the Summer. You probably did see some images already. Here I want to share our Group shot and how we created it as a joint effort.
This photo was taken just north outside of Moab, Utah on US Highway 191 intersection with the 313. There is a cool little parking lot and this movie-like backdrop that is perfect for what we were doing while having some amazing full moon.
And while we are here so nicely together let's have a group selfie. Well, let's light each other. Hopefully, we can all be in the image. That's exactly what happened here. During the 112-second, exposure time of the featured image We all managed to be in the image and take care of the Light Painting.
Der Beginn des Meteor Jam 2022. Eines meiner „High Lights“ 2022 war mein Besuch in den USA im Sommer. Ihr habt ja schon einige Bilder gesehen. Hier möchte ich unsere Gruppenaufnahme mit euch teilen.
Dieses Foto wurde etwas nördlich von Moab, Utah, an der Kreuzung des US Highway 191 mit der 313 aufgenommen. Es gibt einen coolen kleinen Parkplatz und dieser filmwürdige Kulisse, die perfekt für das war, was wir bei einem fantastischen Vollmond vor hatten.
Und während wir hier so schön zusammen sind, machen wir doch mal ein Gruppen-Selfie. Hoffentlich können wir alle im Bild sein, klar wir sind Light Painter. Genau das ist hier passiert. Während der 112 Sekunden langen Belichtungszeit haben wir es alle geschafft, im Bild zu sein und uns um das Light Painting zu kümmern.
So you will find me on the far left, then Erin, then Sylvia and Jazz and Dan on the right. Nobody else was there but all are in the image.
You ask How?
Sie finden mich also ganz links, dann Erin, dann Sylvia und Jazz und Dan ganz rechts. Da war keiner weiter anwesend, trotzdem alle im Bild.
How did we create that?
Step 1.
Simple Lighting test. Sylvia was bored and sat for me to select a focal distance.
Schritt 1.
Einfacher Beleuchtungstest. Sylvia war gelangweilt und setzte sich zu mir, um eine Brennweite auszuwählen.
Step 2.
See how long it takes to light up everybody and the background. That's already 64 seconds at ISO 100. Next, we can think about individual Light Painting.
Schritt 2.
Sehen Sie, wie lange es dauert, alle und den Hintergrund zu beleuchten. Das sind bei ISO 100 bereits 64 Sekunden. Als nächstes können wir über individuelles Light Painting nachdenken.
Let us add some Magic Light
Step 3.
This is the moment Dan wanted to use his Light tool. Just a short tube with some glitter paper coming out like a whip. and a flashlight.
We started with me triggering the camera, then lit everyone in their position from the front, and then did some Light Painting behind Dan. After that, I moved to my position and Dan was free to move around to light up Jazz and Sylvia, Erin from the back, and in the end also me. In the meantime, I lit the mountain but avoided Dan's area. If you look closely you see that Dan's body did not get enough light so the sky looks through his body. Well with black clothes that's a bit of a tricky one. This way all got some light. No one got left out.
Schritt 3.
Dies ist der Moment, in dem Dan sein Lichtwerkzeug verwenden wollte. Nur eine kurze Röhre mit etwas Glitzerpapier, das wie eine Peitsche herauskommt. und eine Taschenlampe natürlich.
Wir begannen damit, dass ich die Kamera auslöste, dann beleuchtete Ich alle in ihrer Position von vorne und machten dann etwas Light Painting hinter Dan. Danach ging ich zu meiner Position und Dan konnte sich frei bewegen, um Jazz und Sylvia, Erin von hinten und am Ende auch mich zu Light Painten. In der Zwischenzeit habe ich den Berg beleuchtet. Wenn Ihr genau hinseht, seht Ihr, dass Dans Körper nicht genug Licht bekommen hat, sodass der Himmel durch seinen Körper hindurchscheint. Mit schwarzer Kleidung passiert das schnell.
Finding the right amount of photons
How much light do I need to make it look cool? Just see the evolution of lighting in the background. From the first test just the moonlight to the third one with added light in the foreground and the rock face.
This takes of course much longer but has its positve effect that shows in the Light Painting. Compare 19 Seconds at ISO 1000 to 45 Seconds at ISO 640 when running around with the flashlights.
Wie viel Licht brauche ich, damit es cool aussieht? Seht euch einfach die drei Stufen der Einleuchtungsversuche für den Hintergrund an. Vom ersten Test nur das Mondlicht bis zum dritten Bild mit zusätzlichem Licht für den Vordergrund und der Felswand. Das dauert natürlich deutlich länger, hat aber seine Wirkung. Vergleichen Sie 19 Sekunden bei ISO 1000 mit 45 Sekunden bei ISO 640, wenn Sie mit den Taschenlampen herumlaufen.
Just the moonlight
Adding some light on the rockface. Almost not visible.
Here are some impressions of the Meteor Jam 2018 at White Pocket, Arizona, some of the same people who joined this years gathering.
How to get a dramatic texture in your images.
Testing your background lighting is an important step in Light Painting but is not limited to it. So If you are interested in what methods I use to get some texture into my images follow my previous blog article about this. Link above!
Das Einleuchten der Umgebung ist ein wichtiger Schritt beim Light Painting, ist aber nicht darauf beschränkt. Wenn Ihr also daran interessiert seid, welche Methoden ich verwende, um Textur in meine Bilder zu bringen, lest meinem Blog-Artikel zum Thema. Link oben!
I hope you found these images inspirational. If you have more questions please do not hesitate. I am happy to share my knowledge.
If you think this is Spam, why did you read this far and why the fuck bother you? Move on from your self-righteous mind state and bury yourself. Don't bother about what others may find interesting. Just stay in your bubble and ...
All there is left to say is Cheer Up!
Gunnar Heilmann Photography
If you are interested in more of my art please also see:
My NFT'S on Rarible
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Since I am one of the co-founders of the LightPainters project, I also help and support the Light Painting community as a curator - not only on the Hive.
We are Light Painters
To help and support the LightPainters community here on Hive I would appreciate your delegation of HivePower. Any amount is appreciated. It does not require much to get started, we are happy for any gesture.
How to delegate?
Delegate 50HivePower, [50HP]
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All the Hive Power will help to upvote the artist's contribution as part of the LightPainters community.
If you feel like light painting could be interesting for you, feel free to check out this crazy bunch at LightPainters on Hive: @lichtkunstfoto, @stepko, @ryuslightworks, @marlasinger666, @lightandlense, @fastchrisuk @fadetoblack, @maxpateau, @lightstabeu, @yo-hoho, @oddballgraphics, @lacelight, @martbarras, @candelart & @rod.evans.visual
I am super happy that more and more find their way here into the hive.
Thank you so much!
Very cool, and it sounds like it was a lot of work. But so worth it 😎
Have a great Tuesday @gunnarheilmann 👋🏻😊
Really not that complicated. Once we knew what we wanted to do. Then one step after the other like a dance 😎
Ok, that’s great than… all went like little puzzle 🧩 pieces falling into place 😎
Have an awesome evening.
Traumhafte Farben und Strukturen die ihr /du da rausgearbeitet habt.
Wir waren auch ganz happy. War nicht unser coolester Ort aber der wo es am einfachsten ging für uns alle so "sicher" rumzu springen.
that's really creative! and i loved that u explained how to do it!!
It sounds more complicated than it actually was. Glad you like it.
Dear @gunnarheilmann,
Your support for the current HiveSQL proposal (#138) is much appreciated but the proposal will expire soon!
May I ask you to review and support the new proposal so HiveSQL can stay free to use for the community?
You can support the new proposal (#247) on Peakd, Ecency,
Thank you!
Done 😎
Thank you for your support @gunnarheilmann, really appreciate it! 👍
Without imposing and as we are in a renewal period for proposals, if you could take a look at the HiveBuzz Proposal Renewal as well 😁