The Japanese restaurant looks yummy! Love Japanese cuisine! I visited Liberdade last time, probably when I was a teen. Despite of the proximity to Rio, I made went there only for scientific conferences after growing up; there is a bit of prejudice between Rio and Sao Paulo people.
Brazilians are actually very religious people, but they aren't Buddhists in general, if you ask the population about Buddhism, probably less than 10% will answer that they know about or at least heard. I am saying that also from the perspective of a minority religious background! Brazil is a country where Christianity is the big majority and there are many Christian holidays despite the country being a secular country by law. Many holidays are associated with Saints in addition to Easter and Christmas, commonly found as holidays in places like Canada.
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Yep, I can imagine the rivalty between the two cities :)) I am team Sampa for sure :) Being Carioca could be nice, but I felt way better in Sampa for some reason.
Yes, I am aware that Buddhism is not the number one religion in Brazil, but it definitely is in the Japanese community.
at least the ones that are still closed in the community probably, but I would bet that many went to Christianity, there is a whole branch of the Christian protestant church that is made with Japanese descendants in Parana I read once.
But I remember a friend that was in love with a Japanese descendent girl in school, but her family was very picky for her to get married with a Japanese guy, so I imagine that this family is still very closed in their community.