ENG: The weather this Easter was like Prima Aprilis. I would never have expected it to be so warm on 1 April that I could easily walk around in just a t-shirt. 26 degrees is almost like summer. So @foggymeadow and I took advantage of the great weather and went for a walk. Our destination was another Krakow park (Park Krakowski) and Lea Street.
PL: Pogoda w te Święta Wielkiej Nocy była jak Prima Aprilis. Nigdy bym się nie spodziewał, że 1 kwietnia będzie tak ciepło, że bez problemu będzie można chodzić w samym t-shircie. 26 stopni to prawie jak lato. Skorzystaliśmy więc z @foggymeadow ze świetnej pogody i poszliśmy na spacer. Naszym celem był kolejny krakowski park (Park Krakowski) i ulica Lea.
Arya is such a beautiful dog. The photographs are amazing...
Thank you :)
She is 🩷🌸
Amazing capture my friend. That 26 degree is considered cool here in my place. Now the average temperature here is around 35-36 degree sometimes it went up to 38-40 degree 🥵🥵
Amazing pictures and I love how you have used the rule of thirds so well in most of them.