ENG: I don't even know how to comment on the 17 degrees Celsius and sunny weather in February. I can't remember such warmth at this time of year. Yesterday we went for a walk with @foggymeadow (and Arya the Dog) to Wislawa Szymborska Park. It was opened last year. Before that there was a car park there. The city wanted to concretise the area, but people protested and won the park. I didn't take a jacket for the walk. There was no need for one. Some people took one more step and wore only a t-shirt. Below are some photos.
PL: Nawet nie wiem jak skomentować te 17 stopni Celsjusza i słoneczną pogodę w lutym. Nie pamiętam takiego ciepła o tej porze roku. Wczoraj wybraliśmy się z @foggymeadow (i Aryą też) na spacer do Parku Wisławy Szymborskiej. Otwarto go w ubiegłym roku. Wcześniej był tam parking. Miasto chciało ten teren zabetonować, ale ludzie protestowali i wywalczyli park. Na spacer nie brałem kurtki. Nie było takiej potrzeby. Niektórzy ludzie zrobili jeszcze jeden krok i chodzili tylko w t-shircie. Poniżej kilka zdjęć.
Yay, I recognise the place too! We were sitting on a bench in this Wisława Szymborska Park while waiting for the rest of Hivers to have lunch together in Karmelicka Street, at this place :))
Spring is coming. When is your next visit? ;)
I miss Wawel. Pizza ufo was weird. Had to break through the dome lol. My first ' real kiss' was in Kraków. Very special climate and nice from afar as a tourist atraction. 4/5
So warm there, even warmer than here! The climate is inexorably changing...
I miss Krakow so much! You walked in the area where I stayed on my visit. Ah... hope to return there one day.
Ми завжди раді бачити тебе в гостях! :) До зустрічі!
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Hey @hallmann, here is a little bit of from @zirochka for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.This park was close to the restaurant where we had lunch together, in the veganic restaurant 😃 How nice it was 😇
I know, my appartments were in that very building 😅
Great shots and nice walk!
I believe this is the second time I am typing down a comment for one of your posts... I think the way you've captured Krakow is just art. Really, really fan of your photography, dear @hallmann