Last monday a friend of mine asked me to go the Watzmann, a mountain in the very south-east of germany.
He suggested to go for it the day after tommorow. I was a bit skeptical if we can do it that spontaneous as it is a hike with around 2400 m of elevation gain and a distance of 22 km to walk. But as we are both sports person, i said we should go for it!!
On Wednesday morning we got up at 4:30, had breakfast and started our journey by car. At 6:30 we were at the bottom of Watzmann at a place called Wimbachbrücke. We looked up to a spectacular mountain but unfortunately didn't take the time to take some photos.
I took the first foto when we came out of the woods into the sun!
After approximately 1.5 hours we first got a brilliant view!!!
The kind of "sharp" summit you can see on the left is a mountain called Watzmann-Frau. So its the wife of Watzmann. It is a little smaller and on the landscape view you can see another few summits who are called the Watzmann-kids.
On this one you can have a look at our first goal. The Hocheck summit which is one of three summits of Watzmann. This photo was taken at our first break after around two hours at the Watzmann-House. On the next pic you see the view back.
Can you see the Watzmann-House?
At the top of Hocheck we had a magnificent view of the surrounding mountains. But we didnt loose too much time and soon started our way to Mittelspitz, the second and highest point of our tour.
Have a look:
The way is not very hard on a technical level but one should definetly be surefooted and free from vertigo!
At the last summit (Südspitze) we had a longer break and were accompanied by some birds. Unfortunately I am very bad with birds names but maybe some of you recognize them?
Fortunately, the ascent was not too strenuousfor us, because we have read that the descent will be very exhausting. So we started again!
After about 2 hours of descent on this very steep and quite dangerous path, we reached the Wimmbachgries. A valley around the Watzmann, which we had to hike through to get to our car. Another 10 km hike, but absolutely worth it.
That's it!
After a long day we reached the car and we have easily made the time we set for ourselves.
What do you think; How long did it take us the Watzmann tour?
Hello, this is a very nice place, I really liked your photos and the way you narrated the whole experience. Cheers!
Hey, thank you very much 😊
Tolle Fotos!
10 Stunden?
PS: Ich empfehle, in der DACH Community zu posten (und auf deutsch). Die ist viel aktiver.
Danke dir!
Tatsächlich haben wir uns 12 Stunden vorgenommen und waren am Ende auf die Minute genau bei 11 Stunden.
Danke für den Tipp! Bin immer etwas hin und her gerissen wo ich etwas posten soll und in welcher Sprache..
Gibt es dann in der DACH Community auch Untergruppen für verschiedene Themen?
Nein, leider nicht - dafür sind wir zuwenige.