Hiking in northern Norway 25.04.21.
A great day out. Nice weather and some places in the area there is possible to hike without using ski. Fun to skiing, but always nice the first hikes when I can walk in boots. A feeling of spring.
The pictures is taken uphills on our way up to a mountain along a fjord called Efjorden. We started with some snow in the air, but as we walked the clouds was breaking up and the sun decided to do a visit.
Best regards
Very dramatic scenery! But it looks like winter!! More flowers to welcome spring!
Aroun 4 weekend and it is befunnet to be grenen and floders, hopefully😄
😂😂🤪 That is real Norwegian English. Autocorrecture and a switch from English to Norwegian spelling. I even erased the first reply to get it corrected. Clumsy me 😂. So be it. Summer will come one day ☀️