Street Photography –Insta Ready in El Jem

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I don't know whether to be impressed by the dedication it takes to building you own brand to walk up to the top of a ancient monument in 40 something degree heat in full costume, with the makeup on pointe or to pity that this experience is more about choosing just the right outfit and finding the framing, that focuses on you but also just has enough of a hint of where you are to impress the followers.

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Or maybe I should be more impressed by someone who has his own 'boyfriend of instagram' to lug around the camera gear.


I didn't know El Jem! In this city I feel like I'm seeing one of the most beautiful Roman ruins in Africa. Thank you for introducing me to this new city in Tunisia and for making me learn that the Romans arrived there. Greetings from Italy

Well yes, looks like two different styles of efforts going on there, which can easily be marked up as a personal thing. How does Who do Why for What at When...

Thanks for the trip!