The Instagram Girls of Sidi Bou Said

I love the scenes you see when you are traveling, I like to see how other people interact, how they capture the moment. I'm not one of those let's get a picture of ourselves in front of the monument type of people.

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I'm much more likely to se seeking out the good light, golden hour is perfect, sitting in wait somewhere waiting the world go by, maybe snapping a shot once in a while, something that captures what it's actually like to be in a place.

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But interestingly this light, these scenes are taken up by people who are getting Gram ready, the telltale selfie angle, same as everyone else's Fantastic light yes, but on in it's context to you.

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So many angles, so many poses, so little awareness of anything that is going on around them.

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The darkness appeared as a moody expression of the life out at the street there.