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RE: The Graceful Dance of Paragliding: Capturing the Beauty of the Sky - A Dança Graciosa do Parapente: Capturando a Beleza do Céu [ENG|PT-BR]|

It takes almost no effort to use Chat GPT. A few seconds to write the prompt. 90% of the text in this post comes from that prompt. It takes very little effort to upload the bulk of photos into the post.
We are aware that you do not upload these photos solely for Hive and you would edit them and post them anyway, regardless if they were published on Hive.

For translation, Google Translate or DeepL could have been used to translate your writing about your own, original, actual experience, instead of asking AI to write it.



No, you are wrong. It does not take two minutes to make a prompt, I spend a long time and I don't only upload the photos, first I need to go out there, shoot and edit, and I do it to publish here. My question is did you see all this alone, with your eyes, or with some tool? If you used some tool to discover it, then you used IA, so you must receive a downvote too if we follow your line of thinking. Maybe I post some of these photos in other media, but not all photos, and always the first post is here on Hive. So, 90% of my work is exclusive to Hive, and here is the only place where I monetize my content. I can make a parallel between IA, a Photographic Camera, and a hammer. All these three options are tools, and what makes the good result is who uses them. To photograph I don't turn light into photos, my camera does it, but I set the camera to have the results I want, a Hammer in the hand of a good professional can help to build houses and it in the hand of a bad professional it will make a bad construction, the same with IA, it does not make good text if I don't give it the right info, and usually it needs to receive more than one prompt. What is the bad thing in use a tool to help me to build my content? Even more, if I say everything I want to it. When you suggest using google translate it seems that u don't use it because it delivers a lot of Grammarly errors, and I don't see too much difference in using a Google tool or an IA tool. Is the same, it will write in English for me. One with lots of errors and the other no. So if I am worried about quality content, I will prefer to use IA. What is your personal problem with this and why do you feel you can be a dictator inventing rules that not helps in the quality of the community? I don't agree with your arguments it's a rule that was not informed and it does not match the technological advance and ideology of decentralization. How a blockchain community can thrive with dictatorship governance? You are not taking into account, that I spend some hours making my post and the photos are amazing. I bring 90% of my photos to Hive, so I am bringing my art vision and quality photos to the community, I am making it for almost 6 years now. Can't I use something to help me to deliver a good post? Another question, I spend more than a day making any content here and what I receive as a reward does not pay for all my work, not even close. So Can't I use something that will help me to spend less time and make the reward that I receive a bit more just and aligned with the time that I spend?
I think you are using some bot (IA) to search the contents with IA use and you are not able to analyze by yourself if it is good content and if it is a good use of the tool, because you can not understand how much time I took. But I will say again, more than the text, the value in my posts is in my photographs that will be posted here forever, and I am, as an artist, allowing it.




Did you have the balls to answer what I said or you will continue hiding behind a fake photo and being so dictator in a decentralized community? Do you understand something about photography? Will you continue robbing me?

And more, where is the rule saying that I can not use some tool to do my job?

 2 years ago  

Rule number seven for Photography Lovers Community says

  • Any and all use of Artificial Intelligence in your images or text must be disclosed in your post.

This community doesn't think your use of AI is fraud or abuse. We understand both sides of the argument but feel that all that would be needed in cases like this is a disclosure of the use of AI for help to translate and clean up between languages and would suffice.

Put a disclosure statement in your post that AI or ChatGPT or whatever app or program you are using to edit your text when being used. Chalk it up to a lesson learned and move forward.

OK perfect. I see it's fair, contrary to what happened here. But thank you for intervening neutrally and resolving part of the issue. I confess that I considered leaving the blog, as I do not co-act with authoritarian and unfair actions like the one I suffered, and I realize that I remain vulnerable and powerless to respond at all times. But I will continue here, contributing and receiving, because I believe that this is one of the best photographic communities online. I will follow your advice and when I use it I will disclose it in my post.