Hello fellow Hive members, in this opportunity I am going to present you my amateur photographic work, photography is a very interesting activity for me that can be therapeutic as well as relaxing and fun. I usually take pictures of my different walks and trips to be able to remember all that we have lived and in one way or another leave it immortalized beyond memory.
In this sense, photography has become an activity of great relevance for humanity and that today continues to advance in a gigantic way both in techniques and equipment.
En este sentido, les presentare mi viaje al Parque Nacional La Llovizna de Ciudad Guayana en el Municipio Caroní en el Estado Bolívar en Venezuela, un lugar que cuenta con una gran extensión de hectáreas, las cuales están conformadas por islas, saltos del río Caroní y demás áreas completamente verdes donde hace vida la diversa fauna silvestre.
Este es un viaje realmente agradable para realizar en familia y con niños, puesto que es una experiencia que te permite conectar con la naturaleza. Todo ello, bajo una clara preparación que logre antelar las condiciones sociales y de País, logrando de esta forma un viaje sin demasiados contratiempos.
In this sense, I will present my trip to La Llovizna National Park in Ciudad Guayana in the Caroni Municipality in the State of Bolivar in Venezuela, a place that has a large area of hectares, which are made up of islands, falls of the Caroni River and other completely green areas where the diverse wildlife makes life.
This is a really nice trip to do with family and children, since it is an experience that allows you to connect with nature. All this, under a clear preparation that manages to anticipate the social and country conditions, thus achieving a trip without too many setbacks.
One of the biggest attractions that can be seen in the place is the Salto la Llovizna, known as a waterfall of great imposing, which has confluence with the river in question.
What a spectacular park, it is a great experience to be in contact with nature.
Totally, it gives you a disconnection on another level.
That is a heavenly place, the photos were beautiful @infoglobal
It was a beautiful experience and the sound of the waterfall when you are in the place is magical.
That place is beautiful. And I like seeing there are monkeys there.
Me agrada ver esas fotos, mi gran parque la llovizna, soy de Guayana. Un placer