Sometimes, we do things and live life without bothering what will happen next or whether there will be consequences to each of our actions or none. We move on as if wanting to see what tomorrow will be for us. But there is this day that brings you the tiniest bittersweet memories of the past. And what we can only do is reminisce.
It's been months since I took photos of the rice field in front of our house and it's only this time that I got the leisure to share and write a blog for it. Look how time pass by, this was taken November last year.
It was one sunny day and I was bored and wanted to go out (in the back of my mind) to change the mood, so I did. And as I was able to breathe in fresh air, I noticed that the field is unusually greener that day. From what I know, the plants become greener when it rained. And I don't remember any rain at that time.

In my estimate, I think this was around 4:30 in the afternoon. It's the time when the sun settles and the heat becomes bearable.
When rice is planted in this field, you can still enjoy the sunset which you can see even at farthest view that you can see in the frame. But that is impossible if the crops planted on the field is corn because the plants are tall.
As for today (the month of June), they have already harvested corn and the field is being ready for crop rotation. Although, I've seen several small corn plants that grew, I do not know whether they were planted on purpose or not because it also happens with rice. When the harvest is done, several rice plants grow days after.
The only regret I have is that I was unable to photograph the time when they harvested for rice. I was able to document the field at the back of our house but failed to do so for the front of our house.

Now you might be wondering about these leafy tall plants. This is not planted on the field. It's actually a tree that fell on the field.
As you all know, the Philippines is also known for tropical storms that hits the country one after another. We have that and I have experienced that. Although, it doesn't happen everytime.
Those plants are new branches that grew out of the old trunk. I don't know why they've let the branches grow that tall but as of today, somebody has removed it already. They must've needed to use a chainsaw to clear and turn the trunk into pieces.
Now these plants you see on the pictures below are the ones that grew on the side of the road. And most of them were planted by different people. The larger ones were planted through a project from our local community. And there are some that were planted by my uncle. These are Medre de Agua that actually produce leaves and serves as food for livestocks such as goats and rabbits.

They say, it's good to appreciate what you have. And with these photos, I think that is what I am doing. To live a better life, you don't need to live a fancy life. You just need to be appreciative of what is in front of you at the moment.
Just like these greenery, you may find happiness and peace at a cost of nothing. But that is ultimately if we choose to. Sometimes, there are people who are blessed with enormous resources but don't appreciate any of them. We must learn the value of gratitude to be able to see thi gs in a beautiful horizon.
Look at that sutle looking sunset. The sun must be preparing to set. And the clouds does look like rain has just stopped. Now, it makes me wonder. Had it rained?