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RE: First Snow Of Winter

That's so pretty! Cape Town is hot and unusually muggy at the moment. We even have some thunder-storms but it is still like 80 deg F and humid as the rain falls! It makes it feel like the more sub-tropical parts of South Africa are encroaching into Cape Town...

Santa is going to have to change into boardshorts to deliver his presents here... assuming we deserve any!! Hahaha. If we only deserve coal, that would be great! The national Electricity Utility always seems to run out and we get regular power cuts for that reason (and others) so we could pass it onto them! hahaha!


Hahahaha funny stuff :)... It's colder than usual here, we don't normally see much snow in these parts until later in January and into February so Im expecting a more brutal than usual Scottish winter.

Yeah, many folks here will likely appreciate the coal more than the other presents to keep the heat in the house, electricity costs are at an all-time high right now.