:)) I currently have 6 cats!... I got to have 8, but one died a couple of years ago :( and recently one (born at home) ran away and didn't come back anymore :( ... I also have four dogs (all Jack Russell Terriers, as my late father was a breeder, but after his death we were left with 2 pairs)... We have had JRT since over 30 years ago when Dad started breeding them... And those are tough dogs to have!... But at the same time they are adorable!... Dad had a JRT named “Mauro” who lived 19 years and I have one of his daughters named “Maura” who is currently 14 years old... They are very hardy dogs... But I'm getting too old to deal with them daily! hahaha :)) Dad was an athletic guy, but not me!... hahaha :)))... Regarding cats, I wish I had more, but my wife tells me that when I show up with a new cat she'll shoot me! hahaha :)))... Cheers and very, very, very happy weekend to you and all your close people!
I'm not surprised that your wife doesn't want you to bring anymore cats 😂 6 cats!!! I can't even imagine how much fur you have to remove daily from your furniture.. and how scratched your hands must be!
My cousin had a JRT too, but I can honestly say that they didn't take care of him properly. They loved him, but these are special dogs and you have to know how to take care of them. You seem to be an expert, 14 years is an amazing age!
Hope you had a great weekend and I wish you a lovely start of the week!