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RE: Some great landscapes today.

in Photography Lovers2 years ago

Hello dear friend @papilloncharity good afternoon
It is a shame to see how people are closed in on themselves with their own things, and no longer appreciate what mother nature gives us on a daily basis.
What a beautiful farm you have visited, and you have made a really beautiful photo shoot


Greetings to you my friend.

This life is full of pressures and stressors that keeps people captivated, so much so that they don't have time to consider their own health.
I had to learn a very hard way, as in the early years of charity I worked night and day, with my wife at my side. We both had two burn outs and due to my age I had to have a serious operation. The doctor said that a 3rd burn out will kill me.
So I learned the value of meditation in nature and life is so much easier now.

We are fortunate to have many beautiful farms here and this one is one of my favorites.

Have a !BEER my friend.

I am sorry for what has happened to your health, take good care of yourself, and enjoy that beautiful natural environment where you live
have a beautiful afternoon

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