
Earthy Smell Rains Arrived

Splash onto dry soil is like an aerosols, lifting scent in tiny particles carries on the wind, just prior arrival of rain there normally is wind bringing with it the magical earthy smell, you know the rains are arriving.


Not all clouds cry, some build castles above, not all bump heads creating rain bringing relief below, photo indicates majestic white clouds with dark gray streaking clouds lower that more than like will be the ones bump heads with garden waiting in eager anticipation to soak up.


Yellow-rumped Tinkerbird (Pogoniulus bilineatus) peeps shyly around the branch of a tree, identification via facial markings of two distinctive white stripes.


When rain arrives everything rejoices in animal kingdom and plant life to the distinct waft of geosmin, it definitely has a positive affect on everything that moves and lives.

Old World lizard of genus Agama running around the cement collecting up ants escaping from the wet ground, he/she is having a party out there!


In South Africa we have carpenter bees (Xylocopa species) no bumblebees, here pollinating on the Duranta ‘Sapphire Showers’ plant is native to Central America.


Curry Leaf Tree (Murraya koenigii) with it's flowers almost over now popping berries that turn black then fall to the ground and grow.


Excellent for adding to curries for flavour, very medicinal with other properties as well. Baby hoping to grow up perhaps time to place in a pot for growing, later cooking.


With cloud cover today, more comfortable temperature exploring the garden surveying the butterflies enjoying life, this is a tiny little one. Zebra Blues (Leptotes) subfamily of gossamer-winged butterflies, we call them little blues.


Wings open, let's take a peek..., dang a little too little you start to see the blue closer to body.


Yellow-billed kite scooting about under the cloud cover today, moving around searching, constantly looking for it's next meal.


Closing thought is: What is the smell of rain? It’s called petrichor.

Do you experience the odor of rain approaching in your region? Let us know in the comments below, rain always brings with it the joy of living, reviving, refreshing us all.


All photography is my own using Canon Powershot. Any queries or requests please drop a comment below or make contact with me, have a wonderful day! Photography without tripod, go with the flow wherever life takes you.

Thought for Today: "A cloudy sky doesn't always cry rain." African Proverb.





The flying beetle turned out well!

Carpenter bee is a plump fellow, we don't get to see them often.

One of the most beautiful and poetic ideas, the smell of rain, on any surface. Apparently, our smell is geared toward picking up the smell of rain, we can identify it among so many other smells. I wrote a poem about it many years ago. I love petrichor. Thank you so much for your wonderful prose.

Not all clouds cry, some build castles above,

These are such beautiful images you created with words.

Thanks for kind comment, feelings of joy show through when rains arrive, Oh boy we needed this break from scorching heat of late!

Same here. But we have yet to see any substantial rains. It is not rainy season yet, but some rain would help! Everything is so dried out, and wild fires are causing so many problems.

Summer has been a roller-coaster ride between extreme heat with short breather in between, very little rain, whacking thunderstorms.

Weekend weather.... 34C for Durban tomorrow plus 4C for humidity we will be close to 40C YIKES!


We felt this heat for sure. I sit in an office with direct sunlight, so I felt the heat in all the wrong ways!

Sitting in direct sun not a great idea during summer even under an aircon..... Change the seating perhaps 🙃

It is so strange as a writer I find certain spots where my writing just happens. Unfortunately, this room was one of the rooms that the ideas seemed to naturally flow from. But I need to change a bit yes.

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What I love most is the smell of the first drops of rain falling on the hot earth.
This lizard is a winner!🙂

Smell is what we have arrive first, slowly it arrives to dampen the parched earth, after the rainfall a lovely clean fresh smell explodes.

Lizards this year, quite a few in the garden, must have plenty of food to satisfy them although very territorial between each other.


Now I've learnt a new word! I love the smell of rain coming, but it's been very shy, only teasing us with a fine drizzle, all the time. At least the plants are getting gentle showers not so. I'm afraid of the heavy rain that is bound to still come.

I thought we would be clobbered with thunder and lightning after extreme winds, lucky it only happened over the ocean.

Not enough rain yet to fully soak the ground, hopefully more to come.

Nice you have rain. I’m sure you are enjoying the cooling the rain brings.
Lovely photos. Glad to see lizard enjoying eating the ants.

Great to see you again and all is well, enjoying Winter hopefully no crazy storms.

Hot again today a scorching 35C plus humidity will feel 4C hotter, see-saw weather possibly bring electrical storms this evening with possible rain once again. !LOLZ