
Oh yes, it was worse than New Years day as there were hundreds of taxis parked all along the beach road.
No space for even a mouse to park and it took us all of 30 minutes in the dense traffic for a very short cruise.
It is more like stay safe and hot in our own house as the house has become an oven.

Worst place to go to catch sunburn, instant relief long term suffering 😄


Right I am back after another hectic day.
Tanning in this heat will definitely cause major skin problems later in life.


Haha later in life? Already blotches and spots how many more, well talking from this side!

Have a good one, shopping first duty of the day here or no food.


Hahaha, in this heat I will also start looking like a polka dot 🤣 !LOLZ

Hope that you enjoyed the shopping and also bought some !PIZZA

Melt down conditions here now....


Only !BEER or water....

Hahaha, so more !LOLZ and !BEER will help.

Hey @joanstewart, here is a little bit of BEER from @papilloncharity for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

Hey @papilloncharity, here is a little bit of BEER from @joanstewart for you. Enjoy it!

Did you know that you can use BEER at dCity game to **buy dCity NFT cards** to rule the world.