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RE: Look how lovely the Malachite Sunbird is.

I do believe our bodies build up immunity quite quickly to germs around, I push as far as a I am able before going to the doctors, all they do of late is dish out tablets like smarties...., and it costs an arm and leg!

Mayoral position for our region, will wait and see what transpires within the next few months. No performance next vote will be 2026 for positions again, not long for anyone to warm a seat!



Oh yes, many can build up immunities, but not all, and some of the others discover that they now have cancer. Doctors are as you say, very pricy, and you are 100% correct about them dishing out the tablets, without bothering to find out the root causes of the ailments.

Sheer madness for swopping mayors like that, and the people will continue to suffer.


Cancer has taken so many of my family, friends and dogs it's scary the big "C" each totally different as well. As the good song said "One pill makes you larger and one pill makes you small....", too many popping pills, because the Doctor said so!

Living in a circus world arena run by clowns.


Sad to see this, and yeah, cancer is rife lately. I read a medical story today, and they reckon that cancer now has increased in the younger folks. Scary stuff.

Yep! Wild rides all over.


Both my nieces with different cancers in their 30s and 40s, another rod one has to carry especially when a parent.

Shame, and I don't wish that on any parent, as it is one of the heaviest burdens to carry.

Minute you have cancer insurance houses close doors, many medical aids barely cover the treatment, or treatment is so harsh it just about kills you.

Whatever takes me must do a swift job at it!

Oh yes, very expensive treatments, especially chemotherapy, as so many battle to recover from it.
Medical aids are supposed to be non-profits, but they keep their investors smiling. We pay a big amount every month, but in the first quarter of the year, our savings are depleted and then we have to pay for medicines out of our pockets.

My gran was the only one that died from a natural illness. Mom died in a car accident, youngest sister by a gun shot, and eldest sister due to hospital mix ups and a cyst that was supposed to be removed never was. So, Iam the last man standing, and I also hope to go quickly.