
Oh yeah, I know how we struggled when we worked on the high towers of the powerline over there. the. A proverbial oven.

We picked the first batch today, and we discovered a tiny golden beetle. Never seen one before and they obviously also favor the strawberry-guava fruits.

!PIZZA and !LUV also to you guys.

Slow boil again today, tomorrow perhaps a bit cooler, take the weather as it comes try plan around it.

Now first fruits showing their should be some fall to the ground, hopefully the monkeys don't test too many before fully ripe.


Yep, we are also getting hotter here again, and had to get a small humidifier in the hope that it will help with the sore throats that we get every night from the dry air.

Reminds me of the games that we had with the squirrels gunning for the dropped fruits. In your case it is the monkeys. !LOLZ

Humidifier is the last thing you need here, summer colds doing the rounds with hot/cold sudden temperature changes, take care!

On the very hot nights, we run the aircon for short periods, and then it dries the air out. Sore throats both of us, and now the humidifier fixes that. Most of the people here walking around coughing and spluttering due to the quick weather changes. !LOL

Never sleep under an aircon, a few fans suffice at night with windows open, one thing I cannot do is sleep in a closed up room.

No windows open here, as a ton of mozzies will be sure to attack. Door however is wide open, and aircon run intermittently for only short periods.