Marches for good reason and cause should be used to bring about change, sadly many today turn ugly into more demonstration than peaceful walk and presenting a mayor or leader a list of grievances.
Safer life is what we too seek, it is going to take a long time before we are able to walk as freely as we did years ago.
Hope your Christmas is peaceful and the country finds peace as a whole soon.
This march was peaceful. And it was not so much for the government as for ordinary citizens of our country, so that they understand what is happening. Of course, from one or two or three marches you cannot get 100% of the government, but you can show ordinary people the truth.
I would like the critical issues in my country to be resolved by an ordinary march or picket. But it doesn't work that way. In 2013-2014, we had to die for the truth (
If interested, I can talk about this in the following posts.
Good to let people know how one feels especially after such a long time of dishevel.
We too have walks/marches to try assemble people into standing up for what they feel is right. Now a little older I no longer go out but support where I am able, too many things have gone wrong, one cannot turn a blind eye.
I can only leave you with a word of encouragement that hopefully things will change, share the beautiful things around you, help make change wherever possible.