Good morning Zac,
and that's one thing I really don't understand: before the Pandemic we've had the so called climate change and so on, but the virus has made everything worse, even more than worse. Companies don't find employees ... people don't want to work anymore ... especially small businesses go bankrupt... 🤔😒
In our winter your blanket would be frozen to the windshield in the morning ... and maybe also covered by half a meter of snow 😂 !LOLZ
From November on you rarely see motorbikes here - maybe on very warm and sunny days. Usually they deposit the number plate at an office of their insurance company until March or April, so they don't have to pay the full insurance during these cold months.
Today is going to be fairly warm, says the weather woman, we might get up to 6C 😅
Have a great day and week too, my friend 🌞
Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉
Good evening Hannes,
yes, things are very bad also here. People have become more suspicious and lackluster after the enforced Covid lockdowns. You can imagine how a person suffered that built a small business up, and poring all of his money into the business. Then suddenly he is forced to close the business for a year with no income. No one to buy the business and he has to pay bills every month. So, he goes bankrupt and loses everything 😞
Ach no, luckily we never had a mountain of snow on the car to clear and I think that you are an expert on that job 😉 !LOLZ
Yes, I remember you saying this to me when you still had the Harley and if one is to hand number plates in over here, they will simply disappear. But I think that it is a good system, especially the savings on the insurance 🙂
When we moved down here, we had to change our number plates to reflect the new province numbers. Then we got a fine, as somebody took our old number plates and put it on their car.
Thankfully we had evidence that it was no longer our number plates and they were supposed to destroy the old number pates. Some officer must have sold the old plates to a crook 😳
Wow! 6C is very hot and please stay out of the sun my friend 😜
We only had 37C today and it will be 39C tomorrow. Still a bit cold 🤣😂
Cheers and thanks.
Good morning Zac,
I'm quickly replying before I have to go to the other office for my last nightshift this month...
Times have become really bad and they will get even worse 😒
Hihi, sometimes, when we forgot where we have parked our car, there was so much snow that we didn't even recognize our car and started cleaning the wrong one 😂 !LOLZ
I remember that thing when your old plates were used by someone - bad story and I don't think it could happen here.
I hope you put your thick coat on when you leave the house, my friend 😉 At the moment we have 0C here 😅
Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉
Good afternoon Hannes,
I am glad that it's your last nightshift, as now you can go hiking on the weekends 🙂
Yes, I agree and we will just have to soldier on 🙏
Hahaha, I will wait at that clean wrong car with a bucket and cloth, for the owner. When he arrives, I will get him to clean my car 😜 !LOLZ
But with my luck, as I have a soft heart, the owner will be an old lady and she will get me to clean her car every day 😳
People use false number plates all over the world my friend.
No coat needed here, as it is only 0C in the mountain goat's country, and over here it's in the late 30Cs 😉
Cheers and thanks.
Good morning Zac,
yep, these are the last minutes of my last nightshift this month ... and I'm still tired as if I had not slept at all 😴 !LOLZ
Luckily we don't have that much snow anymore, but I can tell you that a meter of snow is able to transform an ugly city to a beautiful Winter Wonderland 😀
... and I know some old ladies who are so small that you wouldn't have seen them under such an amount of snow 😆
It's warmer today at about 3C 😅
Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉
Good afternoon Hannes,
Oh! Maybe you must sue your bosses, as it seems that you didn't get enough paid sleep 😜 !LOLZ
I can only imagine how beautiful the cities must look when they are blanketed by snow my friend. You really seem to have many small old people in Austria and maybe they should be classified as, (Dwarf humanistic austrialiahaza) 🤣 😜😆😳😄😇
So, you can spend the weekend in shorts and a T-shirt my friend. Oh, and don't forget the sun cream 😉
Cheers and thanks.
Hi Zac,
I have already told my boss that they should raise the amount of money we get paid for a nightshift 🤑 !LOLZ
Yep, for a few hours the cities look awesome, but it doesn't last long until the snow on the streets gets muddy.
Haha, oh yes, we have so many old dwarfs here 😂
Hihi, this morning it was quite frosty - a bit too cold for shorts 😉
Hope you're enjoying a lovely weekend, my friend ☺️ 🌞
Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉
Hi Hannes,
!LOLZ and I don't think that your boss granted your wishes 😞
Slush is what we call it, and with a car with smooth tires, that stuff can get very slippery 😳
Hahaha, maybe someone should start an old dwarf museum 🤣
Oh yes, I bet it is better to war the warmest of warm clothes 😉
The weekend was good thank you and I hope that you will have a good new week 🙂
Cheers and thanks.
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@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!@johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !
@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!@johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !