Time for beekeeping.


The unrivaled wisdom of God in the phrase inspired by it Ecclesiastes that everything has its time is always relevant, at all times.

But, as a rule, you think about it at the time when you understand that there was a period when it was worth thinking about it in advance lol.


Looking from under gray hair at my youth, you can see most of my mistakes that were destined to make, probably, without them, there would be no understanding of the right path in the future, and the time comes to correct these mistakes.

In youth, it seems that some types of activities are things for retirees lol, for example, gardening and beekeeping, as a result, a lot of knowledge that I could easily get in this area then seemed insignificant then, and today, you need to make a lot of effort to form this knowledge into something that will help make up for what was missed, but, absolutely without regret, because everything has its time!


So, one day, the time comes when I realized that life within the city walls is something that needs to be overcome and I dare to build a house in the village, where I can correct some of the mistakes of my youth and find peace by receiving the fruit of the labor of my hands, as the Lord commanded us.


Only a few, eight, years ago I thought about the fact that my grandfather was a beekeeper, but then, as a child, I was not interested in the buzzing of bees, and he could tell me a lot about beekeeping.

In addition, we had many acquaintances who were beekeepers, elderly people who would be happy to teach me this business, but then the city separated me from this kind of activity.

You know, this business is so interesting, even at the level of theoretical knowledge, so much information and topics for reflection, that there is simply no time left for any regrets about lost time.

Probably, having learned how to foresee all the intricacies of building your own house, which also came in due time, it became easier for me to delve into the intricacies of beekeeping, which has many nuances.

I don’t know when the time will come from theory to practice, but a house is not built in one day.

And the topic is so broad that you don’t have to get bored while studying it, because, for example, I can always switch my thoughts from making hives to honey plants that I will plant on my land plot and many more interesting topics for reflection.
