Photography: Our Office with Love

For this blog writing, I am featuring the company office structure who fulfilled my dreams and who taught me how to be resourceful or known as being madiskarte in tagalog. The company taught me about investing and financial matters. Inorder to survive this cruel world, we need to be tough and know how to deal with people. 
Our company is TECHNO STRESS CONCRETE STEEL CORP. a sister company of UKC BUILDERS, INC., TECHNO STRESS SYSTEMS CORP. and etc. My first position given to me was Costing Engineer since I am a Costing Analyst from my previous company. I am now at Seven years here being an offic engineer but I am more on Billing and Costing department. 

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During night time

View of our office during night time where everyone leave and go with their respectives families. Our office surrounded with lights because we have night shift admin staff. As you can see the office structure is made of glass and white combination because the Owner wanted to have a clear vision as well.


Morning view

Taken during morning when everyone is busy.


During noon break

Noon break is the time when people need to energise and rest for awhile aftee 4 hours duty in the morning and also preparation for another 4 hours in thr afternoon.

To become a photographer is my ideal profession. My friend @nikkabomb a good influencer and great friend to me since 2017. Because of my friends they inspire me to be like them as a photographer and a blogger. There is money in blogging if you know how to deal with the people.

So, in my next post I will be covering and featuring the whole Techno Stress plant with 4 hectares.

I am using Red Mi Note 8 pro with 64gb camera lenses.


Kalimpyo sa inyong office ui. Haahah

yeah bag o man ang office. ahhaha

Makamingaw huhu layua pd uy ganahan ta ko mulaag

hahaha..laag dria pag blog. So naay purpose imoha pag ari.