Well well well, someone is out rambling lol, anyway I could relate with your father, he is my father's kinda type and well you can't get enough can you hahah. You painted a pretty good picture of the house and internet not be enable just killed me haha.
Well what can I say? People can have various perspective of what art is, this brings about lots of disagreement but then if a person has a uniquely personalised perspective to their art I mean this should be respected. Variety is the spice of life.
Cheers, how you doing?
Hahaha internet is a very big distraction anyway. Lol yeah fathers can be really strict with time sometimes. :/
Yeah respect should be there always, by default. But then there's always gonna be someone who won't respect ideas and would target them personally lol.
I'm doing pretty well, just trying to go back to relaxing. It's like there's a jet lag from last week lol. How bout you?