Presencias de la piedra de mar | Presences of the sea stone (fotos propias)

in Photography Lovers5 days ago (edited)

Mis ojos —como supongo será en muchos otros, o en todos los seres humanos—, es decir, mi percepción, está casi predeterminada a atender ciertas cosas de la naturaleza, entre ellas, la piedra. Vuelvo, pues, con mis fotos de piedras, particularmente de la piedra de mar (ver *), como diría el escritor venezolano Francisco Massiani. Extraje unas fotos de la reciente visita a Mochima (Estado Sucre, Venezuela), que quise compartir en #Hive, sin mayores pretenciones artísticas. La piedra es una "presencia real", en palabras de George Steiner, que, además de congraciar nuestra mirada, es capaz de despertar la imaginación.


My eyes —as I suppose it is in many other human beings—, that is, my perception, is almost predetermined to pay attention to certain things in nature, among them, stone. I am back, then, with my photos of stones, particularly sea stone (see *), as the Venezuelan writer Francisco Massiani would say. I extracted some photos from the recent visit to Mochima (Sucre State, Venezuela), which I wanted to share on #Hive, without major artistic pretensions. The stone is a “real presence”, in the words of George Steiner, that besides ingratiating our gaze, is capable of awakening the imagination.







Vector abstracto 1.jpg

Gracias por su atención. | Thank you for attention.

Translated with Google Traductor

colmena (3).gif


Stones, rocks, can actually be pieces of beauty at times. You've done a great job of capturing that ❤️

Thank you for your appropriate and thoughtful comment, @yugadi. Regards.


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