Fotografía Macro: Lo Pequeño se Hace Grande - Macro Photography: Small Becomes Large [ESP][ENG]

n this article we explore everything you need to know about macro photography, the technique of photographing objects at life-size and enlarging them in the final image. Find out how to find the best subjects, what equipment you need, the secrets of lighting and more.

n este artículo exploramos todo lo que necesitas saber sobre la fotografía macro, la técnica de fotografiar objetos a escala real y aumentar su tamaño en la imagen final. Averigua cómo encontrar los mejores sujetos, qué equipo necesitas, los secretos de la iluminación, entre otros detalles

Macro Photography Technique in Detail

Macro Photography Technique in Detail

Equipment needed for macro photography

Equipment needed for macro photography

Macro photography is the technique of taking photos of objects at full scale or larger and enlarging them in the final image. It focuses on microscopic details and patterns that you would not be able to see with the naked eye.

Macro photography is the technique of taking photos of objects at full scale or larger and enlarging them in the final image. It focuses on microscopic details and patterns that you would not be able to see with the naked eye.

What is macro photography?

  • What is macro photography?

To take quality macro photos you need a macro lens, a camera capable of focusing on close objects, a tripod and a cable release to prevent camera shake.

To take quality macro photos you need a macro lens, a camera capable of focusing on close objects, a tripod and a cable release to prevent camera shake.

Choice of subjects

Choice of subjects

Because you are focusing on small objects, it is important to find an interesting and detailed subject. Insects, flowers, small water droplets and toys can be excellent choices.

Because you are focusing on small objects, it is important to find an interesting and detailed subject. Insects, flowers, small water droplets and toys can be excellent choices.

Iluminación y Enfoque en Fotografía Macro

Lighting and Focusing in Macro Photography

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Pequeña muestra
Camara nikon colplix L100
Modo Macro

Small sample
nikon colplix L100 camera
Macro mode

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Pequeña muestra
Camara nikon colplix L100
Modo Macro

Small sample
nikon colplix L100 camera
Macro mode

La fotografía macro es una técnica apasionante que te permite adentrarte en lo que nunca ves a simple vista. Desarrolla la paciencia, la creatividad y la capacidad de observación, y descubre un mundo asombroso y maravilloso en lo pequeño

Macro photography is an exciting technique that allows you to see what you never see with the naked eye. It develops patience, creativity and observation skills, and uncovers an amazing and wonderful world in the small