Agradecer a la vida por tener el privilegio de poder disfrutar de estos rayos de sol saliente en medio de todo este paisaje que me rodea. Encontrar flores silvestres cuya belleza es esquisita combinandose en su vaivén con el viento como si se tratara de baile de salón.
Por tal razón quise compartir con todos ustedes amigos mios esta serie de imágenes de estas flores silvestres conocidas como "Gloria de la mañana"
To thank life for having the privilege of being able to enjoy these rays of rising sun in the midst of all this landscape that surrounds me. To find wild flowers whose beauty is exquisite combining in its swaying with the wind as if it were ballroom dancing.
For this reason I wanted to share with all of you my friends this series of images of these wild flowers known as "Morning Glory".
Espero les haya gustado mis imágenes. Saludos nos vemos en el próximo post.
I hope you liked my images. Greetings and see you in the next post.
The images used in this post were taken by me from my HUAWEI p10 phone.