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So nice to have the freedom and time to travel in beautiful countryside. The old city is very charming among the mountains and valleys. You have got strange brown insects in the field.
I wish I had the time to leisurely explore nearby towns one day. But the price of gas has gone up a lot!!


Yes, the gas is pretty expensive these days here as well. I go driving around from time to time only because I see the rewards on HIVE after the post is published, so I feel kinda repaid. Didn't take this money out and turned it into dollars or euros nor I'm planning to do it in near future, but it gives me the feeling of being repaid for the gas that I burned on these excursions.

Hahahah. Very funny! This reminded me of my first two years of blogging. I didn’t know how to handle all that rewards and I didn’t know you must have a wallet at an exchange. So, I missed the opportunity to get Hive to make profit in BTC for me! It took me ages to dare to transfer my crypto to an exchange. After reading a few posts, I realised that I had to learn about finance! So, I exchange some Hive for BTC in a wallet, bought some Altcoin and experimented with trading. I am still very slow!

But I have learned about finances with crypto and accept the loss or gain from trading. I hope that Hive will soon be widely accepted as payment in the near future. The rewards have been very essential to my living expenses these days. So, I hope Hive will go to the moon in the near future.

🙂 I put five - five hundred and something dollars of HIVE on Binance a month or so ago for the first time ever. Bought some crazy coins so we''ll see how will that go. 😄

Oh! Very good! At least you have started to make some more crypto and fiat currency from your hard work! I hope crypto will be as wide spread as fiat!
I used to deposit on Nexo and earned some interest. But some inner voice told me to move into USDT three months ago! Luckily I made some gain in exchanging into USDT. But I used some of this sum to buy some Luna!
Fortunately I did sell some Luna just before it crashed! So, I just lost some potential profit! But my plan to buy a new mobile phone has to wait! 🙀😂

I find crypto trading very interesting, still learning! Don’t know how to do leverage trading yet!