Guangzhou beauty

in Photography Loverslast year (edited)

Guangzhou night view beautiful city 🏙️ worth it

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Cool photos! Especially with the Moon.

你好、請不要重覆用同一組圖在不同社區發文和重覆用Ecency point boost

Hello please don’t use the same picture posting in different community meanwhile boost both of them by Ecency point

還有、中文區發文原則是不要只寫一兩句、建議寫長一點、否則會被視為灌水、如有疑問、可以在discord 聯絡我 discord id: atyh

Furthermore, please don’t simply put one or two sentences with only 10/20 words in Chinese community otherwise it will be recognised as spam, kindly contact me on discord if you have question or need assistance, discord id: atyh