There's a water park a few towns over from us, but I've never been. I like the Enchanted Forest, which is a path with a bunch of things to look at and little houses to climb into. Tree houses, that kind of thing. It rambles through mature forest with some old growth trees and even has a castle!
When I lived near Chicago, there was 6 flags, and I remember Elitch Gardens in Denver. That may have been a long time ago. But what is time, really?
A manmade contraption to weigh the number of candles burned without actually counting the candles. The forest sounds wikkid awesome and the girls would love the fire outta that. You take the twins? They like it?
We took them to the Enchanted Forest a couple of years ago. Then Dollywood last time we were down there. We've stuck close to home since Covid, but they've got swimming lessons next week in our local lake, so that should be fun.