Well I guess there are many emotions involved, therefore the car almost feels like a person...:)
Thank you! Indeed, sad or hard and exciting, which is again how I like the turns in my life to go.
Hmm the price was a difficult theme, eventually I figured (turning off my emotional part as much as possible) a mix between what I have invested in it over time and the "value on the market", the country I am selling it in, I am at 20'000 negotiable at the moment...:)
(though if you consider any living-vehicle I guess it all ranges from cheap and a ton of work to luxury and as expensive as any house)
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Very true.
Me, I'm assessing the waters out there. Not sure towards what I want to go next, but like to know what's out there. So thanks for the practical answer. Good luck selling it, my dear <3
Thank you:) Good luck with the assessing! (and if it ever comes down to anything with wheels don't hesitate to ask)